
Lichess coaches

IM Baidetskyi_Valentin Lichess coach picture

IM Valentin Baidetskyi

Champions are not born. They are made🥇🏆

LocationVienna Austria
Languagesрусский язык, English (US), Deutsch, українська
RatingFIDE: 25462821
Hourly rate35 usd - 1 hour, 300 usd - 10 hours.
IM Roshka_Yevgeniy Lichess coach picture

IM Yevgeniy Roshka

We must try not to let chess theory interfere with thinking independently. @Alexander Alekhine

LocationGraz Austria
Languagesрусский язык, English (US), українська
RatingFIDE: 24752794
Hourly rate30€\1h
IM VojskaRS Lichess coach picture

IM Chess Coach Radosław Gajek ( Company )

OCCASION, lessons with IM peak rating 2481 FIDE at attractive prices ,NO RISK NO SUCCESS, full time coach ! Your honest feedback helps me grow !

LocationGrudziadz, Poland Austria
LanguagesDeutsch, Polski, English (US), русский язык, Српски језик
RatingFIDE: 24362921
Hourly rateFROM 10 USD , DEPENDS on the teacher or amount of lessons, you buy with ONE payment , just read ,, Best skills ''