Played 12 Blitz games23475
FM wagnerovsky
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Wagner Peixoto Guimarães
Sou Mestre Fide Wagner Peixoto Tetracampeão Estadual e recordista de vencedor de torneios do Estado Do Rio de Janeiro!
Rio de Janeiro

Member since 9 Aug 2015
Time spent playing: 108 days, 9 hours
Time featured on TV: 2 days, 21 hours
TeamsAnjinho travessoAugusto LaranjaBahia Open de Xadrez Online 2020 (Absoluto)Bahia Open de Xadrez Online (Absoluto)BRAZIL TITLED PLAYERSCANARINHOS DO BRASILCarolina RussoCastelinho da Piraquara ACastelinho da Piraquara BChallenger Augusto LaranjaChess academy br/pt
Clube de Xadrez Na Estrada Real
Clube Online Xadrez do SulClube Online Xadrez do Sul 2.0CMUNCXBlumenau 104 AnosEquipe Canarinho de XadrezEquipe Carioca EliteEquipe Chess CemorEquipe LBX-RNEquipe Ricardo TeixairaEquipe SM RecifeEquipe ZugzwangEspaço CaíssaFFC AFloripa Chess OpenFLUCHESS NEWSFluChess TeamGaveões TeamInterband Online 2020Lichess Crazyhouse
Maia Chess Clubnlxadrez
NXNRIO DE JANEIRO - OFICIALRoad to Sharjah 2024TEAM BRAZIL CHESS - EQUIPE BRASIL DE XADREZTeam Brazil LiveThe House Discord ServerTop Clube de xadrezTorneios Online SDC 2.0TORRE BLANCA
WPG SUB 17Zhigalko_Sergei & Friends

Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #39 (top 13%) with 11 games in 3º TM Súper Liga de Clubes Team Battle
Played 3 Blitz games23422
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #160 (top 64%) with 2 games in 2º TM Súper Liga de Clubes Team Battle
Played 1 Bullet game24352
Played 5 Bullet games243312
Played 24 Bullet games24216
Played 16 Blitz games23441
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #51 (top 10%) with 16 games in Liga América 2025 Team Battle
Played 13 Bullet games242735
Played 13 Blitz games234312
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #21 (top 7%) with 12 games in RAW LEAGUE R2 Team Battle