Played 17 Blitz games21409
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United Nations

Member since 16 Nov 2017
Time spent playing: 50 days, 21 hours
Time featured on TV: 26 minutes
TeamsChessMasterКлуб Грозы Шахматных Стримеров
Шахматный клуб "Современник", ЛенинградСпортклуб ПГУПС, секция шахматы и шашкиС̲а̲н̲к̲т̲-̲П̲е̲т̲е̲р̲б̲у̲р̲г634 schoolТУРНИРЫДТ "Измайловский" (шахматный клуб)Невская ладья, 2005 и младше.ЦДЮТ "Бибирево" г.Москва
Ленинградская областьКлуб им. В.Л.КорчногоНевская ладьяAvengers ChessСборная Приморского района города Санкт-ПетербургаCenter "Kaissa" MoscowChess GradChess Informant
Chess Updates (The Flames Promotions)ChesslandiaChessTbCHESSWAY CLUB
Crazyhouse World ChampionshipCrestbook Chess ClubCrypto chessCrypto Chess ProDV_intellectFIDEFortun£ Friday$
Levitov ChessMetal Eagle Chess CenterMiaMi Chess FAN ClubMILLENNIUMRadix Open ArenaRauf Mamedov teamRobin_Good_Saint-Petersburg-chesscoach-very_good.Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung
[RU]GM Roman Ovetchkin Chess ClubSergeyVoronChess NEW
Team ChessableThe Out Of Book Social ClubUnity International TournamentsVeni Vidi Vici GamingОстап МертинсТорпедо Москва

Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #56 (top 15%) with 16 games in Lichess Bundesliga2 Team Battle
Played 12 Blitz games214917
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #599 (top 26%) with 12 games in 108th Lichess Mega Team Battle
Played 5 Blitz games216612
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #207 (top 68%) with 1 game in Кубок Дружбы народов 2025 Team Battle
Ranked #779 (top 79%) with 1 game in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Played 22 Blitz games215411
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #94 (top 4%) with 10 games in Blitz Warm-up Arena March '25
Ranked #157 (top 62%) with 5 games in ДВ-Интеллект Arena
Played 1 Blitz game21654
Played 42 Blitz games216139
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #179 (top 19%) with 21 games in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Joined 1 team