13+5 • Rapid • Rated
Checkmate • White is victorious
Van't Kruijs Opening
1. e3 d5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. d4 b6 ... 81 moves
Turochamp-2ply is an implementation of Alan Turing and David Champernowne's 1948 TUROCHAMP "paper" chess engine. Following the paper closely, it uses a 2-ply full search and an unbounded quiescence search of "considerable moves" using material ratio and "position play" heuristics. Try also @turochamp-1ply, @bernstein-4ply or @sargon-2ply. Author: @herohde.
Member since 15 Mar 2021
Time spent playing: 73 days, 6 hours
Time featured on TV: 5 hours, 6 minutes