Played 15 Bullet games229218
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Tb Ahmad
FIDE rating: 1992

Member since Sep 13, 2019
Time spent playing: 36 days, 2 hours
Time featured on TV: 30 minutes
TeamsBCJ LAGA TERBUKA INDONESIABNFCATUR ONLINE SULSEL (OPEN)ChessFromHomeEWAKO SULSELHHAMKA VETSEL BLITZ OPEN TOURNAMENTJogja IstimewaKBPL_UNITY OPEN TOURNAMENTKCC OPENKeluarga pakdenoorKolaborasi Pecatur OnlineKomunitas Catur Online Se-Ajatappareng Sul-Sel (open)Komunitas pecatur grup CNKPOLatihan Tim Popda Kota Yogya 2023Liga Premier DAGOEN (LPD)L'pong Chess ClubMizzui GamingNO JOKI & NO ENGINEOnline SalatigaPCO AND VETSEL ARENAPECINTA CATUR DIYPenyisihan Dies Natalis Pool APenyisihan Dies Natalis Pool BPERANG BINTANG 2020PERCASI Batang HariPERCASI Catur IndonesiaPrize tournaments on lichessProfesional Chess OnlineRaharjaSASAMBO BISASFBK&MPR EliteTbtbTeam Marathon RM BarokahTereliye chess clubTim BIDAK SETIATIM SENIOR COSSTURNAMEN CATUR ONLINE KALSELTURNAMEN OPEN AKBAR RKCCNTTTURNEY Mc CoIUlang Tahun Adi Wibisana SankaraVETSEL CHESS CLUB MAKASSAR PROVETSEL CHESS PLAYERSChesslandia_en🏴
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
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Played 1 Bullet game23029
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #417 (top 90%) with 1 game in World night festival 23 Thursd Team Battle