
Prize tournaments on lichess

65 members

Hello! Welcome to the Prize tournaments on lichess club.
This club was created for the announcement of prize tournaments on lichess.
If you would like to advertise your prize tournament please contact @Chess_MC.
Advertising cost for 1 prize tournament is 1,5$.

Всем привет! Добро пожаловать в клуб Prize tournaments on lichess.
Этот клуб создан для анонса призовых турниров на lichess.
Если вы хотите прорекламировать свой призовой турнир обращайтесь к @Chess_MC.
Стоимость рекламы 1 призового турнира- 100 рублей.

Upcoming prize tournaments:

  1. Link to tournament :
    Entry fee: 2$
    Date and time: 15th of August 16:00 Moscow time.
    Prize fund: 20$

  2. Link to tournament :
    Entry fee: free or 1,35$
    Date and time: 9th of August 17:00 Moscow time.
    Prize fund: 1,35$ or 8$