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Member since Dec 24, 2018
Time spent playing: 98 days 21 hours 39 minutes
Time on TV: 5 days 10 hours 40 minutes
Gained 1 new follower
Gained 1 new follower
Played 21 Bullet games226327
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #4 (top 6%) with 21 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Played 13 UltraBullet games
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #13 (top 11%) with 13 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Played 33 Bullet games22892
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #37 (top 9%) with 33 games in Elite Bullet Arena
Played 26 Bullet games229155
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #54 (top 9%) with 26 games in Weekly HyperBullet Arena