Woodpecker Method book cover art

Woodpecker Method 3nd Batch Complete

Final Result: 55 / 56

This time, I strived to be more patient and tried to calculate all the variations i.e. if a move leads to mate or winning material - calculate it (even if I remembered the puzzle ends after 1 move).

A few times I used the Burger Technique from the Chessable course Calculation: A Complete Guide for Tournament Players by CM Azel Chua. It's a great framework when merely looking for "checks, captures and threats" isn't enough. I found it was not always necessary, however.

I tried to be more disciplined about inspecting every capture and check before deciding on a move... but, to be honest, in some positions I immediately knew the answer (isn't that one of the points of Woodpecker Method anyway? Not to brute force every puzzle but rather to learn common winning patterns).

The one I got wrong was a position where you have to select the correct pawn push to promote a pawn. Something I have trouble calculating. You'd think pawn puzzles would be the easiest because decision tree is so limited - so few possible moves - but for some reason I have trouble seeing them. This is why I have been doing a pawn endgame puzzle daily.

The puzzle:

8/1p1b3p/4npp1/PPPk1p2/5P2/3BB1P1/7P/6K1 w - - 0 1

So final result: 55 out of 56 puzzles correct over about 2 hours (measured by the countdown clock of each puzzle). That's about 2 minutes per puzzle... not bad I guess?

What's Next

Tactics Training / Calculation

I have to decide if I do another batch of Woodpecker Method puzzles, or if I turn to something a little more suited to OTB calculation. Namely, I could start solving puzzles from my copy of Combinative Motifs - and taking the approach of writing down all variations of a puzzle on paper rather than using Chessable.

I keep thinking of Ben Johnson's interview with Sam Shankland, in which he explained why he's not a fan of online puzzles. In a real game, you don't make a move - that you're unsure about - and get instant feedback that it was correct - and then keep going.

In a real game, you have to calculate the tactic...all the way to the end! "Puzzle Rush" like tactics (even just normal Lichess puzzles) as well as Chessable - let you get away with making a move without having to find all the variations.


Puzzle Rush...can give you somewhat questionable habits... there's some times where you just know the tactic is going to be there and there's only one move that...starts something interesting happening... Because it's puzzle rush you know this move has to be right so you just play it and then feel your way through...

That's not how chess works over the board

ON THE OTHER HAND - in recent games I am missing amazingly (embarrassingly!!) basic "kindergarten tactics." I didn't even see a variation that just outright wins material! My thinking is that by playing Puzzle Streak daily here on Lichess - with a goal of at least 25 puzzles - will at least "over-train" those simple tactics I keep missing. I need to at least see them instantly, while also focusing on calculating the full line before moving.

This is like in fencing - it's not enough to know how to do a parry. You must over-train your parries so they are automatic / subconscious. Mere "knowledge" is not enough.

Furthermore, only solving long, complex puzzles is not helpful if I overthink every position and miss obvious tactics (because the challenging puzzles have made me doubt myself). In my section (U1500, U1600, etc.) these "obvious" tactics really do happen and I'm kneecapping myself by treating every critical position like a 2500-level Lichess puzzle. Sometimes it really is "too good to be true" and you're winning material in two moves. I have to stop missing these.

Shankland's "too much puzzle rush" observation is what we call a "high level problem." He takes for granted that simple tactics are just "obvious." But I have a ways to go before solving 25 Puzzle Streak puzzles are "beneath" me.

Shankland interview, skipped to the relevant portion below:

Upcoming Tournaments

Another round of weekly U1800 90+30 starts tomorrow night. I need to decide by 6:30 PM tomorrow if I want to commit to another 6 round tournament. I'm learning a lot from my games but losing and then sitting out with a full point bye is annoying.

I might not play this new series and instead do a few Sunday U1600 G45 and of course a weekend ALTO G60 tournament later this month (Marshall announced that they will start holding the monthly! Great news).

Also, I joined the Lichess LoneWolf 4545 league. Thank you @TeoKajLibroj for the reminder!