WIM fj042009
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There is no shortcut to success. Faith, Hard work, Confidence.

Member since Jan 8, 2019
Time spent playing: 30 days, 6 hours
Time featured on TV: 11 hours, 31 minutes
Teams11th Sharjah International Cup for WomenARCINIAsian PracticeBarbosa Elite School of ChessBayanihan Chess Club OnlineBESC Knights and Bishops ClassBESC Queens ClassBESC Rooks ClassCoach Rands Weekly Training Tournaments @8pmDía de la Mujer 2021DLSU ALUMNI CHESS TEAMDLSZ 2021-2022Espana Chess ClubESPANA CHESS CLUB -PH INTERNATIONALGrade School Chess TeamHaveFunWithChessILOILO KISELA KNIGHTS ONLINE CHESS TOURNAMENTKajoooyax PagePCAP 1st conference CAG vs SJC January 20, 2021PCAP 1st conference LAG vs SJC January 20, 2021PCAP (Professional Chess Association of the Philippines)PCAP Try- OutPinay Queens PHILIPPINESPowerpuff Girls & FriendspowerpuffgirlsQATAR CHESS ASSOCIATIONRedkings Chess Manila ArenaRuchess Masters
San Juan Predator's OfficialSJ PredatorsSundays with Unity - July 12th, 2020Sundays with Unity - July 19thSundays with Unity - July 26th, 2020Swinburne UniversityUAE National Day 2020 Bullet Chess ChampionshipUNASA & FriendsUNITED QUEENS CHESS CLUBUnity Chess Women ChampionshipUnity Titled PlayersVarsity Chess Team

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