Played 6 Blitz games24991
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MN Francisco Allysson da Silva Muniz
FIDE rating: 2165

Member since 21 Aug 2016
Time spent playing: 93 days, 16 hours
Time featured on TV: 2 days, 21 hours
Teams_Chess for all_AMIGOS DO JOCAAvengers ChessBahia Open de Xadrez Online 2020 (Absoluto)Bahia Open de Xadrez Online (Absoluto)Bahia Open Xadrez 960Cabra XadrezChess ManiaChess Mania - NordesteChess Mania RNChesslandiaCIBRAU - XADREZ NAÇÕES UNIDAS - UNITED NATIONS CHESSClube de Xadrez Na Estrada Real
Clube Online Xadrez Brasília - DF
Clube Xadrez 960Colegas de Kike
CXBlumenau 104 AnosElite do NorteELITE FlyordieEquipe Canarinho de XadrezEquipe LBX-RNEquipe LBX RN - Serie AEquipe SM RecifeFIDE Checkmate CoronavirusI SPEED CHESSVEJA 2023I want to be 2500+Keep the WayLance5500 Fan ClubLBX_RN RAIZLichess Swiss
Liga Brasileira de Xadrez ( 9 anos )O FESTIVAL DE XADREZ DA SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA UPE CMN 2023Quinteto LBX RNTEAM BRAZIL CHESS - EQUIPE BRASIL DE XADREZXadrez AvareenseXadrez Clube Sorocaba OficialТорпедо Москва

Played 2 Bullet games
Played 30 Blitz games250041
Played 2 Bullet games
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Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #6 (top 2%) with 19 games in Elite SuperBlitz Arena
Gained 2 new followers
Played 14 Blitz games245912
Gained 1 new follower
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #123 (top 12%) with 14 games in Lichess Bundesliga Team Battle
Played 38 Blitz games24716
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #73 (top 17%) with 38 games in Blitz Titled Arena March '25
Played 2 Blitz games