Played 1 Blitz game
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Member since 13 Jun 2023
Time spent playing: 47 days, 20 hours
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Шахматные Пушки.
BTS 207 CHESS ONLINE PROBuldozer SeninChess blasters 2
IM YOSEPH AND FRIENDSIrina_Baraeva_ClubJOKI DIOKAR STORE & FRIENDSKalong 1Kampung Tengah Chess team
Kursi Empat
Lichess Swiss
National Chess Blasters
NGEROUND BARENG BTS207ONI IndonesianNationalOnline
Outpost ChessRoom Wedding of Lukas & ZuniSilaturahmi Catur 8SJC INDONESIAsuper team Battle RAPIDR.B
SWISS BTS207Syams'n and friends
Xadrez entre amigos BR

Played 15 Blitz games161221
Played 2 Rapid games
Played 2 Bullet games
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #9 in Rolasan 2226
Played 77 Blitz games1591197
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #120 (top 27%) with 19 games in TPR DAY CHAMPIONSHIP 27 Team Battle
Ranked #346 (top 78%) with 7 games in World night festival 27 Tuesda Team Battle
Ranked #655 (top 98%) with 2 games in World day festival 27 Tuesday Team Battle
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #24 in Kuat Liga Dua
Joined 1 team
Played 20 Bullet games16369
Played 14 Blitz games178831
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #23 (top 15%) with 12 games in ≤1700 Bullet Arena
Ranked #41 (top 46%) with 6 games in CCF friendship CDXXI Team Battle
Ranked #570 (top 74%) with 5 games in World day festival 26 Monday Team Battle
Ranked #39 (top 95%) with 1 game in Arena Puputan 162 Team Battle
Ranked #406 (top 97%) with 2 games in TPR LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIP Team Battle
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #35 in Liga Catur Bendino 744
Played 45 Blitz games181937
Played 8 Bullet games164513
Competed in 9 Arena tournaments
Ranked #115 (top 29%) with 7 games in ≤2000 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #143 (top 33%) with 14 games in World night festival 25 Sunday Team Battle
Ranked #58 (top 49%) with 6 games in Lichess Liga 6B Team Battle
Ranked #18 (top 52%) with 3 games in Arena Puputan 161 Team Battle
Ranked #87 (top 57%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Bullet Arena
Ranked #474 (top 61%) with 8 games in World day festival 25 Sunday Team Battle
Ranked #100 (top 62%) with 4 games in Syukuran HBD BIDADARI KCI Arena
Ranked #488 (top 78%) with 5 games in Eastern Bullet Arena
Ranked #147 (top 100%) with 2 games in Lichess Liga 4B Team Battle
Joined 1 team
Played 4 Blitz games18562
Played 1 Classical game1795126
Played 1 Chess960 game15961
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #71 (top 60%) with 1 game in Fischer Random Chess Liga 163 Team Battle
Ranked #51 (top 78%) with 1 game in European Championship 2 Round Team Battle
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #20 in Liga Catur Bendino 742
Played 25 Blitz games18545
Played 5 Bullet games16581
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #717 (top 26%) with 13 games in 94th Lichess Mega Team Battle
Ranked #27 (top 44%) with 5 games in CCF friendship CDXVIII Team Battle
Ranked #279 (top 60%) with 8 games in World night festival 23 Friday Team Battle
Ranked #275 (top 63%) with 2 games in TPR DAY CHAMPIONSHIP 23 Team Battle
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #13 in Zidjian 252