Played 157 Bullet games270057
FM Willhaven
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David Castañeda
Liga de ajedrez de Antioquia.
Soy un maestro Fide colombiano. Tengo experiencia como entrenador de la universidad nacional de Colombia sede Medellín.
He sido instructor de la liga de ajedrez de Antioquia y monitor de ajedrez en mis años de universidad.
FIDE rating: 2200
Medellín ColombiaMember since 10 Oct 2017
Time spent playing: 80 days, 20 hours
Time featured on TV: 2 days, 23 hours
TeamsAbril04AJEDREZ TARAZA IN MEMORIAN MIGUEL ANGEL GOMEZATTAK PIRATABlue Moon DiamondChess SalvajeClaypole Ajedrez - BatallasClub de Ajedrez Plaza de Armas de SantiagoClub de ajedrez Universidad de AntioquiaClub El TablazoClubChessFunClube Online Xadrez do SulClube Online Xadrez do Sul 2.0Darkness Elite TeamInder EnvigadoInternacional PupilochessJUGADAS HUMANASKillers & Lovers of ChessLast ShotLichess CuratorLIGA DE AJDREZ DE BOLIVARLiga de Ajedrez de AntioquiaPrimera Copa Colombia sub 2200 de blitzPrimero Torneo Virtual Granada 2020ProNacional EscolarProudOpening ClupRepresentativo Universidad de AntioquiaRisaralda01Satranç Bir Türk Zekâ OyunudurSENA - REGIONAL ANTIOQUIASundays with Unity - July 12th, 2020Sundays with Unity - July 19thSundays with Unity - July 26th, 2020Sundays with Unity - July 5th, 2020TORNEO ABIERTO NACIONAL DE PRIMERA CATEGORIA ANTIOQUIA 2020Torneo In memoriam Oscar CastroUNISIMONUnity Grand Prize - May 17th, 2020
Played 180 Bullet games264364
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Played 171 Bullet games27072
Played 2 Bullet games27053
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Gained 1 new follower
Played 2 Bullet games