Played 5 Bullet games197818
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Marcos Snyder
Mi hobby predilecto: el ajedrez
Buenos Aires Argentina
Member since 4 Jun 2016
Time spent playing: 94 days, 7 hours
Time featured on TV: 5 minutes
Teams*️⃣ International Chess Club *️⃣شطرنج لردگانКлуб читателей "Футбола" и почитателей А.ФранковаAbierto Ciudad de ChascomusAjedrez Torre BlancaAJEDREZ USMEALRASEEL CHESS CLUBAsociación Santafesina de AjedrezCCK CHESS CLUBCHESS CITIY METANChess Swiss LeagueChess_lovers clubCírculo Ajedrez FlorestaCIUDAD AJEDREZClub Argentino de Ajedrez - TorneosClub de Ajedrez ZugzwangClub UncuyoE4 ElblągEscuela de Ajedrez Caballo Negro VillarsFarzin Chess ClubGuma24Kings & Queens AcademyLichess SwissLIGA DE AJDREZ DE BOLIVARДДТ ПараньгаMate AmargoOld Prodigies Corporation 2OLDSCHOOL CHESS ACADEMYPUNJAB PLAYERSQuoc Hoc Tactical chess - QTCResourchess TeamRP šachyRyan the super GMSala de ajedrez virtual del centro cultural SabatoSirajganj Chess ClubSRR CHESSStatisticssuper team Battle RAPIDR.BTorneos suizos Uncuyotorre blanca renobadoTURNAMEN MALAM SISTEM SWISS 5+0 7? BABAK YGXadrez Amigos SP
Played 2 Bullet games199613
Solved 6 training puzzles231614
Played 3 Blitz games19846
Played 3 Bullet games20096
Solved 5 training puzzles23025
Solved 5 training puzzles23071
Played 13 Blitz games19789
Played 5 Bullet games20035
Played 8 Blitz games19877
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #4 in Prix Cesare Pavese - 4 de 5
Played 4 runs of Puzzle Streak
Played 4 Blitz games19942
Played 4 Bullet games199811