Played 2 Bullet games163429
No note yet
Member since Jun 10, 2019
Time spent playing: 16 days, 14 hours
TeamsAmigos del Club Ajedrez VillaverdeBotswana ZebClub de ajedrez ULP - San LuisEswatini National Team 2022EXPOCHESS BOTSWANAFCB ONLINE OPENFCB U18 & LADIESFRANCISTOWN SCHOOL OF CHESSFrancistown School of Chess, Francistown, BotswanaFSC PREMIERHyenas LS 🇱🇸MAPAKO A FSCMICHALAKIS CHESS SCHOOLNimzowitsch Chess AcademyProx Swiss system TournamentsRamotswa chess clubSaturday Whips
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #397 (top 98%) with 2 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 10 Bullet games166322
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #86 (top 18%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 22 Bullet games164138
Competed in 3 Arena tournaments
Ranked #113 (top 27%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #248 (top 63%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #605 (top 66%) with 4 games in Daily Bullet Arena
Played 25 Blitz games184928
Played 2 Bullet games167912
Gained 1 new follower
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #36 (top 26%) with 25 games in Champions league Team Battle
Ranked #394 (top 97%) with 2 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 24 Bullet games169137
Competed in 4 Arena tournaments
Ranked #13 (top 7%) with 10 games in Scandinavian Defense Bullet Arena
Ranked #157 (top 41%) with 8 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #1640 (top 70%) with 4 games in Weekly Bullet Arena
Ranked #424 (top 98%) with 2 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 12 Bullet games165428
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #215 (top 59%) with 11 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 16 Blitz games182115
Played 14 Bullet games168225
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #104 (top 26%) with 6 games in King's Indian Defense SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #239 (top 28%) with 7 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #158 (top 36%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #326 (top 76%) with 4 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #1031 (top 96%) with 2 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena