
Fun with the Halloween Gambit

Illustrative games with the Halloween Gambit

Halloween Gambit History

This variation of the Four Knights Game dates back to 1888, where it was first played in Leipzig. It is also known by the less eye catching names of the Müller–Schulze Gambit and Leipzig Gambit. Apparently, the names do not refer to any particular players, but are simply common German surnames, like Smith and Jones are in English.

Do master games feature the Halloween Gambit?

Players of master level may not often play the Halloween Gambit, but it does happen! The lichess database has 14 master games featuring this surprise opening, with white winning 5 and drawing 1. Although not the exact moves (4. a3 g6 were played prior to the N sac), Magnus Carlsen defeated Finnish Master **Sampsa Nyysti**with the Halloween Gambit N sac. The game can be viewed here: Magnus Carlsen vs Sampsa Nyysti (2002) Nyysti Shock (

When is a good time to play the Halloween Gambit?

Although not theoretically sound, the Halloween Gambit is a very aggressive opening that can be used effectively as a surprise weapon in bullet or blitz games. Against much weaker opponents, it may even work in longer time controls. The best time to play it is arguable on Halloween and it may render some very interesting games with surprising results, as can be seen in the video below: 2023 Halloween Gambit - YouTube