Played 3 Blitz games179120
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Iam a man...strong and humble...
Bekasi, west java Indonesia
Member since 5 Sept 2020
Time spent playing: 42 days, 14 hours
Time featured on TV: 31 minutes
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Teams• Chess Academy Community •AIZAWL DISTRICT CHESS ASSOCIATIONAndaman chessBhutan Chess FederationBRAWL STARS & CHESS PLAYERS UNITEDCATUR WULANAN IAIN PURWOKERTOChathurangachess smashersChess Tournament KZChess tournaments with PDF prizesEscuela Chaturanga Chess ClubFree chess tournamentsGambit_chess_school clubIn khuai nuainaIndonesiaJose Panganiban Chess Club 1Kelas Catur OnlineKomunitas Catur Online Indonesia - EventKuda Hitam Chess Club KarawangKUTTIPPURAM MESLATIH TANDING SCUA PREINTER2Latihan Catur Merah PutihLeague of KingsLichess SwissLiveChessLokmanya Tilak High SchoolMamit District Chess AssociationMurugesan. GOne family in ChessOnline Chess TournametRAJABOV CHESS CLUBRAPID GAMESalahaddin-al-RusiSKTD3 SWISS TOURNAMENT 2022Team Catur Online IndonesiaThe House Discord Servertheclub10TIM TEMPUR KHCC NUSANTARAجام فجر قاین بهمن 99We all love to play lichess’s swiss
Played 11 Blitz games181126
Played 1 Crazyhouse game93662
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #131 (top 96%) with 1 game in Little CrazyHouse 6th Team Battle
Played 3 Blitz games17853
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #44 (top 66%) with 3 games in Arena Puputan 264 Team Battle
Played 11 Blitz games178832
Played 1 Rapid game17259
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #388 (top 31%) with 11 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #314 (top 85%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Played 1 Blitz game
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #189 (top 50%) with 1 game in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Played 42 Blitz games182039
Played 1 Bullet game
Completed 1 correspondence game1 loss
Competed in 6 Arena tournaments
Ranked #95 (top 7%) with 7 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #88 (top 14%) with 8 games in ≤2000 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #221 (top 14%) with 7 games in Eastern Blitz Arena
Ranked #89 (top 22%) with 6 games in ≤2000 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #138 (top 39%) with 4 games in ≤2000 Blitz Arena
Ranked #807 (top 91%) with 1 game in Thematic WCC Game 6
Played 45 Blitz games178155
Played 32 Rapid games173437
Competed in 5 Arena tournaments
Ranked #44 (top 10%) with 29 games in 2nd Olympic Rapid Festival Team Battle
Ranked #299 (top 37%) with 1 game in Thematic WC Game 5
Ranked #168 (top 40%) with 5 games in ≤2000 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #125 (top 55%) with 3 games in ≤2000 Rapid Arena
Ranked #915 (top 72%) with 6 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #23 in SuperBlitz