Played 1 Antichess game122656
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Please take mercy on me.
Malaysia Antarctica
Member since 26 Oct 2023
Time spent playing: 5 days, 2 hours
Time featured on TV: 29 minutes
Teams2000+ Rated Power3rd ChessFM Blitz ChampionshipArena Catur ArauCATUR SABTU1 JDIS 2024CATUR SABTU1 JULAI 2024CATUR SABTU1 NOV 2024CATUR SABTU1 OGOS 2024Catur UTM Sabtu1 September 2024Expert Chess Guru Chess TournamentFast & F̶u̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ TurtlesKingscrusher Youtube and Twitch fansLance5500 Chess CoachLichess SwissPublic Group friendly IIUMRonaldo Playing ChessSimuls for everyone :)Simuls for everyone.FridayWafwhij02 Fan Club
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Played 33 Bullet games170250
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #12 (top 13%) with 11 games in ≤1700 Bullet Arena
Played 13 Blitz games147716
Played 2 UltraBullet games126410
Played 1 Bullet game16528
Played 12 moves in 1 correspondence game
Competed in 2 Arena tournaments
Ranked #26 (top 18%) with 6 games in ≤1500 SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #416 (top 30%) with 5 games in Eastern Blitz Arena
Played 10 Bullet games166055
Played 2 Rapid games153834
Played 1 Three-check game143941
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #54 (top 19%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Solved 1 training puzzle193923
Played 9 Bullet games16056
Played 3 Atomic games11203
Played 2 UltraBullet games
Played 1 Rapid game
Played 1 Blitz game
Played 1 King of the Hill game
Joined 1 team
Played 4 runs of Puzzle Racer
Played 6 Bullet games16112
Played 2 Blitz games
Played 1 Antichess game128265
Played 1 Atomic game112326
Played 1 Rapid game
Played 1 UltraBullet game12546
Started following 1 player
Competed in 1 Arena tournament
Ranked #98 (top 56%) with 2 games in ≤2000 Bullet Arena