2+0 • Bullet • Rated
Checkmate • Black is victorious
Sicilian Defense
1. e4 c5 2. Qh5 g6 3. Qxc5 Nc6 ... 60 moves
I play positional and believe it is mostly about building a structure, like a ship. Spot the tears and patch them up. Do they go over the critical length they start going out of control and the structure crumbles.
My preferred opening is a variation of the Hungarian with Reversed Alekhine. In black I prefer English Defense or Scandinavian. When Queen's pawn is played I believe Nf6 followed by e6 and f5 is better against Queens Gambit.
Main inspirations: Magnus Carlsen, Vassily Ivanchuk and Paul Morphy.
In life I am a product designer.
Member since 21 Aug 2018
Time spent playing: 106 days, 1 hour
Time featured on TV: 6 hours, 19 minutes