
#5 - Road to 2400: - First steps at the Cote d'Azur

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I approached last weekend with great excitement, as it provided me with the opportunity to explore yet another foreign city through the game of chess where my fiancée has now accompanied me.

My flight landed on the Cote d'Azur on Friday afternoon, and on Saturday, I traveled to the city of Marseille to introduce myself in the NAT1 French team championship, where I strengthened the team of Nice.
Unfortunately, on Saturday, we suffered a defeat against the Marseille team. In an extremely exciting game, I unfortunately lost to my young and talented French IM opponent.. Let's take a look at the game!

However, on Sunday, we managed to improve our performance by securing a valuable draw against the championship-contending team from Agen. This might be attributed to the team-building disguised as Saturday night drinks :) In the second round, I contributed half a point to the team's success, which was somewhat bittersweet. I dominated the game against my English IM opponent throughout, but unfortunately, I let the advantage slip in time trouble. Of course, I analyzed this game as well!

I am not satisfied with my results, as the games suggested there was much more in these two matches. Nevertheless, I believe that with a bit more play, better results will come.
The conditions provided were exceptional, as was the team unity. Despite not having the highest reputation, I was completely won over by the vibe of the city of Marseille. I would love to return here!

I will soon be back in France, and in the early next year, I plan to explore more countries. :)

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