
Simple & Great - the Center Game

AnalysisChessTournamentChess variantOpening
Dear Chess Enthusiasts! Allow me to introduce to you my latest course!

Simple & Great - the Center Game - / 1. e4 e5 2. d4 - exd4 3.Qxd4 /

OFFLINE COURSE (PGN) - for 14,99€

The Simple & Great series was created to satisfy the opening needs of uncompromising chess enthusiasts. It caters to players who seek objectively sound and playable openings, but prefer not to get involved in endless memory battles over the latest popular opening theories. In this series, I offer openings that prioritize understanding strategies and principles over deeply analyzed specific lines. These openings can serve as fully functional weapons for chess players at various levels. Their effectiveness is evidenced by their frequent appearance in the repertoire of top grandmasters too.

My name is Martin Istvanovszki (FM), and this is my Simple & Great - the Center Game course!

Why the Center Game?

Like all other Simple & Great openings, its versatility is noteworthy, prioritizing a deep understanding of typical plans, strategies, and principles over memorizing specific moves, while still maintaining objective correctness. The Center Game is an incredibly flexible opening, known for its proven dangers and the added benefit of not being among the current trendy openings. This allows us to easily surprise our opponents, often resulting in beautiful miniatures. The Center Game is easily learnable and can be effectively employed by more aggressive-minded players.

Who is it for?

The Center Game is an excellent choice for attacking players of any skill level, who loves combinative, tactical play. Its various options provide flexibility between more restrained and more dangerous lines. Like all other Simple & Great openings, the Center Game is ideal for those who prefer not to memorize endless variations, but still want to play a fully viable opening where the understanding of strategies and principles outweighs the need for specific move knowledge.

How to use it?

The Center Game is entirely sound, making it suitable for both classical and rapid or blitz games with confidence. Personally, I use it most often in blitz and rapid games, as my experience shows it to be extremely dangerous for Black when used as a surprise weapon and/or in short time controls.

What you will learn:

In this course, you will master a meticulously analyzed opening with 175 variations, including multiple alternatives. You'll develop a deep understanding of the key principles and tactical motifs in the Center Game, gaining a comprehensive overview to better grasp the dynamics and statics on the chessboard.
Join me in discovering the timeless beauty and effectiveness of the Center Game!

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