
Timeless Repertoires: the Schmid Benoni

ChessAnalysisOpeningStrategyChess variant
Dear Chess Enthusiasts! Allow me to introduce to you my latest course!

Timeless Repertoires: the Schmid Benoni - / 1. d4 - c5 2. d5 - g6 3. e4 -Bg7 4. Nc3 - d6

OFFLINE COURSE (PGN) - for 18,99€

Are you searching for an extraordinarily versatile and widely applicable opening? Do you prefer delving deep into the strategic nuances of your openings rather than memorizing move sequences? Are you looking to play something that is objectively sound yet so rare that you're likely to know it better than your next opponents? Then this course is tailored for you!Since childhood, I've been a fan of fianchetto defenses. As Black, I've tried nearly every fianchetto option and still actively play most of them today. During my tournament preparations, I often faced a recurring problem: my opponents sometimes played variations that I wasn't comfortable with. Transposing to the Schmid Benoni would have been the perfect solution. This is the point where our journey together began. My name is Martin Istvanovszki (FM), and this is my Timeless Repertoires: The Schmid Benoni course!

Why the Schmid Benoni?

The Schmid Benoni is one of the most versatile openings I've encountered. Its versatility lies not only in understanding the deep strategic implications rather than memorizing specific variations, but also in the ability to transition smoothly from numerous other openings to the Schmid Benoni, a formidable asset in competitive play. Its rarity provides a significant advantage, ensuring that opponents are likely less familiar with its intricacies than you. It has found a place in the repertoires of players like Topalov, Lékó, Markowski, Velimirovic, Ivanchuk, Morozevich, or Pantsulaia.

Who is it for?

Regardless of playing strength, I recommend the Schmid Benoni to any chess player who enjoys fianchetto setups, but hasn't quite found "the one." Or perhaps you've already found it and need a weapon that can be reached almost seamlessly from practically any opening. It's also ideal for those who prefer gaining a deep strategic understanding of their openings over engaging in lengthy memory battles. Moreover, it's perfect for players who relish knowing their opening system inside out and delight in surprising their opponents!

How to use it?

The Schmid Benoni is entirely sound, making it suitable for both classical and rapid or blitz games with confidence! In classical games, its tournament preparation can be invaluable, while its straightforward playability in rapid/blitz games can offer a significant edge against opponents. It stands strong as a main repertoire choice, but can also serve faithfully as an alternative solution.

What you will learn:
In this course, I present nearly 250 meticulously analyzed variations of the Schmid Benoni, accompanied by an additional 21 model games for independent use, study, and analysis. Through these, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of typical strategies, thematic motifs, key principles, and subtle nuances alike. Beyond a fully developed opening repertoire, it will help broaden your overall perspective.
Join me in discovering the timeless beauty and effectiveness of the Schmid Benoni!

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