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Lichess Game of the Month: July24


Calculating Piece Activity

Lichess had a productive August, with a total of 141 pull requests from 33 contributors, including 9 first-time ones! Check out more details on our updated changelog.

Our August 2024 free and open databases are available for download, bringing the total number of games now to over 5.9 billion in standard chess and 119 million across variants!

The September 3+0 SuperBlitz Shield Arena, the second of seven daily Shield Arenas this week, starts in 2 hours! The winner will get a unique trophy and keep it until next month's tournament.

Check out our series of interviews and analyses on YouTube with famous players such as the former highest rated woman in the world, GM Pia Cramling, and Magnus Carlsen's main second in the 2013 World Championship match, GM Jon Ludvig Hammer - more to come!

Our Game of the Month August Contest is underway: Share your best Lichess standard game played in August 2024 until 5 September! The winner will be announced on 14 September, followed by a blog post with commentary on the game.

We have updated our Masters Database with about 200,000 new games since 2022, now available in the Opening Explorer!

Clicking on a player's name in broadcasts now redirects you to a new, mobile-friendly page with more information about the player in the tournament.