Puzzle of the dayBlack to play

When the Rat's Away, the Cats Will Play

IM theScot

50 Shades of Blunders

Balance scales, one side weighed down with notation "h5!"Xmask

Practicing the Method of Comparison with engines.


Science of Consciousness Conference & the Penrose-Hameroff Hypothesis


Sacriface a Piece Against The Caro-Kann

CM loristavernier

How to Evaluate a Complex Position in Chess

WFM fla2021

In This Holiday, Chill Like My Dog and Avoid Blunders!


World Rapid and Blitz being absolute meme


Differences between FIDE Circuit and Women's FIDE Circuit

The final stage of the FIDE World Blitz Championship 2024 starts at 19:00 UTC! GM Magnus Carlsen, who has returned to play after withdrawing from the Rapid event, meets GM Hans Niemann in the Quarter-Final and GM Ju Wenjun faces two-time and reigning Women's World Blitz Champion GM Valentina Gunina in the Women's tournament, among others.

Congrats FM @Ragehunter on winning our 2024 Winter Marathon - their third Marathon victory in a row - with a 61% win rate in 501 games, 57 points ahead of runner-up GM Mahdi Gholami Orimi! Thanks to all 25,275 registered users who played a total of 303,231 games and 21,886,759 moves! The next Marathon will take place on 26th April.

18-year-old GM Volodar Murzin is the 2024 FIDE World Rapid Champion! GM Alexander Grischuk came 2nd and GM Ian Nepomniachtchi 3rd. GM Koneru Humpy has won the FIDE Women's World Rapid Championship, for the second time after 2019, ahead of GMs Ju Wenjun and Kateryna Lagno!

GM Magnus Carlsen quit the FIDE World Rapid&Blitz Championships after being unpaired from Round 9 for violating the dress code by wearing jeans and refusing to change them. He didn't appeal the decision, calling the incident "a matter of principle". FIDE issued a statement explaining that these "rules have been in place for years" and apply "equally to all players".

Our 2024 Winter Marathon starts on 28 December at midnight UTC! Join us for 24 hours of 3+0 Blitz and be part of one of the biggest chess tournaments in history. The top 500, top 100, top 50, top 10 and the winner will all get a unique trophy.

Our first Titled Arenas for next year have been announced - as usual, they will be preceded by a Warm-up Arena open to all players.

A new progress bar in the open tournaments section of our homepage shows you the remaining time of started arenas, making it easier to see how much time is left before you join a tournament.