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1Nf3+0.3d6+0.52g3+0.1Bh3??+4.5Blunder. e5 was best.2...e53.c4Nf6[...]3Bg2??−4.2...Blunder. Bxh3 was best.3.Bxh3d54.O-O[...]3...Bxg2−4.24Rg1−4.2Bxf3−4.25exf3−4.2Nf6−4.16Kf1−4.2Nc6−4.07Kg2−4.0e5−3.98d4−4.8Be7?!−3.7Inaccuracy. Nxd4 was best.8...Nxd49.Be3Nf5[...]9d5−3.7Nd4−3.710c4−4.0O-O−3.711Nc3−4.0c5−3.912Ne2−4.6b6−3.913Nxd4−4.3exd4−3.914Bd2−3.9Nd7−3.915Be1−4.7Bf6−4.216Qc2−5.0Ne5−4.117Rd1−4.4Qe7−4.118Qb1?!−6.1...Inaccuracy. f4 was best.18.f4Ng619.h3[...]18...Rab8−5.219b4?!−6.8...Inaccuracy. b3 was best.19.b3b519...b5−5.620bxc5−7.1bxc4−6.921Qc1−7.6dxc5−7.522h3−8.0c3−7.423a4−9.6Rb2−9.224Rf1−10.5Rfb8−8.425Qf4−11.0d3?!−5.9Inaccuracy. c2 was best.25...c226.Ra1Nd3[...]26a5?!−11.6...Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best.26.Bxc3Re226...c2−10.727Rc1−14.5Rb1−9.528Bd2−9.6Rxc1−8.729Rxc1−9.3Rb1−8.830a6−12.5Rxc1−11.131Bxc1−9.9Nc4??−2.3Blunder. c4 was best.31...c432.Qd4Nxf3[...]32Bd2??−26.0...Blunder. Qxc4 was best.32.Qxc4Qe133.Qxc5[...]32...Bb2??−0.8Blunder. Nxd2 was best.32...Nxd233Qb8+??−17.8...Blunder. Qxc4 was best.33.Qxc4Qd834.Qxc5[...]33...Qf8−13.234Qxb2?!#−12...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Qb3 was best.34.Qb3Nxd234...Nxb2−79.335Bc3?!#−8...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bf4 was best.35.Bf4Nc435...c1=Q#−736Bxb2#−6Qxb2#−537g4#−5d2#−538Kg3#−5d1=Q#−439Kh4#−3c4#−340d6#−3c3#−341d7#−3c2#−442d8=Q#−4Qdxd8+#−443g5#−3c1=Q#−244f4#−2Qa2#−345f3#−2Qxa6#−346Kg4#−3Qab6#−247h4#−2a5#−348h5#−3a4#−349h6#−3a3#−350hxg7#−3Kxg7#−351f5#−2a2#−452f6+#−4Kg6#−353f4#−3a1=Q??#1Lost forced checkmate sequence. Qdd1+ was best.53...Qdd1+54.Kg3Qbg1+[...]54f5#
Checkmate • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated bullet game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.08.16"] [White "gperisse"] [Black "Asbjoern"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "yWzjvFI2"] [UTCDate "2017.08.16"] [UTCTime "08:40:37"] [WhiteElo "1945"] [BlackElo "2068"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+15"] [BlackRatingDiff "-14"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "30+0"] [ECO "A04"] [Opening "Zukertort Opening: Pirc Invitation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. Nf3 d6 { A04 Zukertort Opening: Pirc Invitation } 2. g3 Bh3?? { (0.06 → 4.52) Blunder. e5 was best. } (2... e5 3. c4 Nf6 4. Nc3 c5 5. d3 Nc6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. O-O O-O 8. Bd2 Bd7 9. Ne1) 3. Bg2?? { (4.52 → -4.25) Blunder. Bxh3 was best. } (3. Bxh3 d5 4. O-O e6 5. d4 Nc6 6. c4 dxc4 7. Qa4 a6 8. Qxc4 Nf6 9. Nc3 Bb4) 3... Bxg2 4. Rg1 Bxf3 5. exf3 Nf6 6. Kf1 Nc6 7. Kg2 e5 8. d4 Be7?! { (-4.81 → -3.70) Inaccuracy. Nxd4 was best. } (8... Nxd4 9. Be3 Nf5 10. c4 Be7 11. Nc3 O-O 12. f4 Qd7 13. Qf3 Nd4 14. Bxd4 exd4 15. Nd5) 9. d5 Nd4 10. c4 O-O 11. Nc3 c5 12. Ne2 b6 13. Nxd4 exd4 14. Bd2 Nd7 15. Be1 Bf6 16. Qc2 Ne5 17. Rd1 Qe7 18. Qb1?! { (-4.10 → -6.12) Inaccuracy. f4 was best. } (18. f4 Ng6 19. h3 b5 20. b3 Rae8 21. Bd2 Qd7 22. Rde1 Ne7 23. Qd3 bxc4 24. bxc4 Nf5) 18... Rab8 19. b4?! { (-5.25 → -6.78) Inaccuracy. b3 was best. } (19. b3 b5) 19... b5 20. bxc5 bxc4 21. Qc1 dxc5 22. h3 c3 23. a4 Rb2 24. Rf1 Rfb8 25. Qf4 d3?! { (-11.00 → -5.93) Inaccuracy. c2 was best. } (25... c2 26. Ra1 Nd3 27. Qe4 Qxe4 28. fxe4 c1=R 29. Rxc1 Nxc1 30. Ba5 Nd3 31. Bc7 R8b7 32. d6) 26. a5?! { (-5.93 → -11.62) Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best. } (26. Bxc3 Re2) 26... c2 27. Rc1 Rb1 28. Bd2 Rxc1 29. Rxc1 Rb1 30. a6 Rxc1 31. Bxc1 Nc4?? { (-9.90 → -2.31) Blunder. c4 was best. } (31... c4 32. Qd4 Nxf3 33. Qxc4 Ne1+ 34. Kh1 g6 35. Kg1 g5 36. h4 Qe2 37. Be3 Nf3+ 38. Kg2) 32. Bd2?? { (-2.31 → -26.04) Blunder. Qxc4 was best. } (32. Qxc4 Qe1 33. Qxc5 g5 34. Ba3 Kg7 35. Qf8+ Kg6 36. Qg8+ Bg7 37. Bb2 f6 38. d6 d2) 32... Bb2?? { (-26.04 → -0.82) Blunder. Nxd2 was best. } (32... Nxd2) 33. Qb8+?? { (-0.82 → -17.85) Blunder. Qxc4 was best. } (33. Qxc4 Qd8 34. Qxc5 h5 35. Qc4 c1=R 36. Bxc1 Bxc1 37. Qxd3 Bg5 38. d6 Qd7 39. Qd5 Bd8) 33... Qf8 34. Qxb2?! { (-13.18 → Mate in 12) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Qb3 was best. } (34. Qb3 Nxd2) 34... Nxb2 35. Bc3?! { (-79.28 → Mate in 8) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bf4 was best. } (35. Bf4 Nc4) 35... c1=Q 36. Bxb2 Qxb2 37. g4 d2 38. Kg3 d1=Q 39. Kh4 c4 40. d6 c3 41. d7 c2 42. d8=Q Qdxd8+ 43. g5 c1=Q 44. f4 Qa2 45. f3 Qxa6 46. Kg4 Qab6 47. h4 a5 48. h5 a4 49. h6 a3 50. hxg7 Kxg7 51. f5 a2 52. f6+ Kg6 53. f4 a1=Q?? { (Mate in 3 → Mate in 1) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Qdd1+ was best. } (53... Qdd1+ 54. Kg3 Qbg1+ 55. Kh3 Qdg4#) 54. f5# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0
5 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
3 Blunders
90 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
4 Blunders
108 Average centipawn loss
  1. Jurazzic Most beautiful game I have ever seen
  2. Agus_905 That's insane
  3. SleepingGiant42 Legend
  4. Calival loser
  5. jpiglesias legend
  6. mehmetsen Hikaru cries with 8 queens
  7. TheRedRaphYT Lmao
  8. Boomboy Lol
  9. J4k0v-8 he he he haw
  10. CM Poubelle :D
  11. kestrel342 Wait, I thought 30s was considered hyperbullet
  12. kestrel342 anyways this must've been on purpose right?
  13. MornStar22 what the hell happened here???? :D
  14. MornStar22 why is the other account closed??
  15. MornStar22 oh this is from 5 years ago
  16. vinit111 On purpose
  17. Meganath1 holyy
  18. stingyuncle Its a setup game
  19. NodirbekAbdusattorUv Vay
  20. saiidahm97 Oh damn the rating
  21. m4rcio1227 kkkkkk mano não
  22. Bbao23 lmao
  23. Buiz418 LMAO
  24. furkanyBOUN what the heeeeeeelllll
  25. SherlockAt221B hahahahahahaha
  26. skidipapap wht in the world
  27. Mrnameguy1234 If i was black in this game i would quit chess forever
  28. Mrnameguy1234 This is empirical proof that you should never ever resign
  29. Ale_DrunkAccount lmaoooo bullet is the worst
  30. Mrnameguy1234 Bullet chess is not real chess
  31. BobbyWasRight11 totally deserved after 2...Bh3
  32. BORCHA_X White must be vegan
  33. VardanMamikonyan451 tf happened here lol
  34. MiguelBenavides Imagine lichess shows your pitiest game to the world, lmao I would've so embarassed
  35. Stockmachli Emotional damage
  36. werderfan OMG
  37. werderfan XD
  38. atomiumjae proof anything can happen in hyperbullet
  39. marcymarc24 Too greedy
  40. naycho15 greatest comeback of all time
  41. spitzweg cringe
  42. spitzweg haha
  43. Clarensky Kkkkkk thats too much
  44. ordepcubik XD
  45. Muad_Dib_Usul Noice
  46. KanwerNadeem332 In here here too!
  47. KanwerNadeem332 From Instagram
  48. KanwerNadeem332 Nice game
  49. KanwerNadeem332 Never give up
  50. mahmod_khairy90 Hhhh
  51. BKC_HDK ảo vl
  52. da-reti-guy 30 ppl in chat lol
  53. Gaimm how is that even possible :D
  54. Zaiden_J Power of pipi my friend
  55. llazlo bro closed his account
  56. ISaveChesspapers @llazlo Well yeah, that's the only thing you can really do after beating chess
  57. erayayay deserved
  58. Rafael5013 quais as chances
  59. Rafael5013 faltava 1/2 segundo
  60. Almchendolf Here to pay my respects to two legends
  61. kiwi173 Google en passant
  62. breadnbrogle Among us in real life (sus) (sus)
  63. peter_griff1n Good morning USA, I have a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day. The sun in the sky has a smile on it's face, and it's shining a salut
  64. peter_griff1n e to the american race
  65. PeregrinRook this is what you get for trolling lol
  66. FM inSecOP duckduckgo il vaticano
  67. Thyv1 Sanctus inferno
  68. Rafael5013 Teria algum brasileiro aqui?
  69. jCoNa engrave final position on wheel cheese
  70. GothamChess69 gorgeous
  71. alisablue holy hell
  72. GothamChess69 i will be adding this to my lose at chess series for sure
  73. LM Assios beautiful
  74. Kaskade24 Never resign
  75. woadh Holy hell
  76. rohits47 Black literally closed their account lmao
  77. ALEX183492761 Holy moly
  78. Bauer-sucht_Dame no, white closed the account.
  79. Callistemon Beauty and the beast
  80. AvionDrake579 bruh
  81. AvionDrake579 I get that it's bullet but bruh
  82. Kiko2003 this is beatifull final
  83. see4fore holy hell
  84. pinkkea holy hell
  85. Betelgeuze24 Unreal.
  86. LostinTheBlue holy hell
  87. vedxcas nah such a shame
  88. moosegroup chess is art
  89. donuty Not this
  90. john306 this is the best game I've seen ever
  91. skillissuedetected11 holy hell
  92. SoberingRealityCheck holy hell
  93. JackN52 Nice
  94. lllDunKlll loooool
  95. SSJGSSJ2 wow
  96. tritlo wow
  97. NekoIon +44, impressive
  98. norwayisgreat Q: Where do chess players go to chill? A: To a pawn island
  99. norwayisgreat January 2023
  100. Tubular-Bells Holy hell
  101. KDMFan dang
  102. Marsherest levy rozman be cringing at this masterpiece
  103. Butcherooooo This is the best chess game of all time
  104. nk1406 rip
  105. Turd top 10 chess game of all time
  106. TheTolexDok the chess game of all time for sure
  107. JackN52 4-12-23
  108. mouse_potato 4-30-2023 Chess Hall of frame!
  109. JackSparrow-7777 Bro is the defination of never resign
  110. Edimarlon Fiquei surpreso por não ser 2 huehuebrs
  111. Germanfan what da heeeeeeeell
  112. Averytco Legend
  113. KingCountyMetro Nov 6 2023
  114. Anonymousub At least it a hyper-bullet
  115. memeala True
  116. w2oli Knowing me id be black
  117. stars_sophie Aug 4 2024 :)
  118. TxtFileABCDEF !
  119. ebk1976 lol sept. 13 2024
  120. DeezKnights24 sept. 22 2024
  121. NM ZugAddict I'm in awe
  122. AyanS_HTHS LMAO
  123. exevia Checkmate at -44 material
  124. exevia And 0.5 seconds
  125. TheLightningThief18 lmao fr
  126. TheLightningThief18 WTH
  127. aBaY111 WTF
  128. Chess_Fan_Boy no wayyy
  129. Chess_Fan_Boy white op in the chat guys
  130. Chess_Fan_Boy bro deserves an uno reverse
  131. Chess_Fan_Boy for black
  132. Chess_Fan_Boy what da hell
  133. Chess_Fan_Boy 5 2 2025
  134. Zabautizam Absolutely beautiful
  135. DeezKnights24 2-18-25