
Lichess Liga 14C Team Battle

1Ночной Дозорrealloc 0+00
2Динамо Санкт-ПетербургPaldiski 00
3SchachcalbeKHUlrich 00
4Schachfreunde Erbach e. V.wasp1968 00
5Schachfreunde KelkheimEnglis1970 00
6megachessatronRobot_vupil_vodki 00
7England Women0
8Schachgemeinschaft Porz e.V.0
9CEB & Gambit0
1-7 / 7
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1Paldiski2121 Динамо Санкт-Петербург0
2realloc2116 Ночной Дозор0
3KHUlrich2074 Schachcalbe0
4wasp19682054 Schachfreunde Erbach e. V.0
5Englis19701968 Schachfreunde Kelkheim0
6Robot_vupil_vodki1920 megachessatron0
7ReArtyom1829 Ночной Дозор0

For me, chess is at the same time a game, a sport, a science and an art. And perhaps even more than that. There is something hard to explain to those who do not know the game well. One must first learn to play it correctly in order to savor its richness.

Bent Larsen

You will be notified when the tournament starts, so it is safe to play in another tab while waiting.

Is it rated?

This tournament is rated and will affect your rating.

How are scores calculated?

A win has a base score of 2 points, a draw 1 point, and a loss is worth no points.
If you win two games consecutively you will start a double-point streak, represented by a flame icon.
The following games will continue to be worth double points until you fail to win a game.
That is, a win will be worth 4 points, a draw 2 points and a loss will still not award any points.

For example, two wins followed by a draw will be worth 6 points: 2 + 2 + (2 x 1)

Arena Berserk

When a player clicks the Berserk button at the beginning of the game, they lose half of their clock time, but the win is worth one extra tournament point.

Going Berserk in time controls with an increment also cancels the increment (1+2 is an exception, it gives 1+0).

Berserk is not available for games with zero initial time (0+1, 0+2).

Berserk only grants an extra point if you play at least 7 moves in the game.

How is the winner decided?

The player(s) with the most points after the tournament's set time limit will be announced the winner(s).

When two or more players have the same number of points, the tournament performance is the tie break.

How does the pairing work?

At the beginning of the tournament, players are paired based on their rating.
As soon as you finish a game, return to the tournament lobby: you will then be paired with a player close to your ranking. This ensures minimum wait time, however, you may not face all other players in the tournament.
Play fast and return to the lobby to play more games and win more points.

How does it end?

The tournament has a countdown clock. When it reaches zero, the tournament rankings are frozen, and the winner is announced. Games in progress must be finished, however, they don't count for the tournament.

Other important rules

There is a countdown for your first move. Failing to make a move within this time will forfeit the game to your opponent.

Drawing the game within the first 10 moves will earn neither player any points.

Draw streaks: When a player has consecutive draws in an arena, only the first draw will result in a point or draws lasting more than 30 moves in standard games. The draw streak can only be broken by a win, not a loss or a draw.

The minimum game length for drawn games to award points differs by variant. The table below lists the threshold for each variant.

VariantMinimum game length
Standard, Chess960, Horde30
Antichess, Crazyhouse, King of the Hill20
Three check, Atomic, Racing Kings10