
A80: Gambito Manhattan, Línea Anti-Clásica • Dutch, Von Pretzel gambit
1 • JeremyDuran •- Introducción
- Descripción de la variante
- Principios generales
- Como jugar
- JeremyDuran

Queens Pawn Game (White)
14 • Professionellster •- Queens Pawn Game
- Dutch Defense: Classical Variation | 4. ...c6
- Dutch Defense: Classical Variation | 4. ...Be7
- Dutch Defense: Stonewall Variation, Modern Variation
- Professionellster

London System
4 • BelaCasino •- Theory
- Perfekte Stellung
- Rapport-Jobava System
- London System, with e6
- Arturblunder
- BelaCasino
- Maturin74

1 • BelaCasino •- Ding Liren vs. Magnus Carlsen
- Caruana, F.. - Carlsen, M..
- Kramnik, Vladimir (2810) - Carlsen, Magnus (2872)
- Carlsen, M. - Firouzja, Alireza
- BelaCasino

Grünfeld Defensive
1 • BelaCasino •- Normale Grünfeld Defensive
- Exchange Variation
- Neo-Grünfeld Defensive with Nf3
- Neo Grünfeld Defensive with g3
- BelaCasino

Tarrasch Verteidigung
1 • BelaCasino •- Theory
- Tarrasch Haubtvariante Rubinstein System
- Two Knights Variation
- Schara Gambit
- BelaCasino

Queens Gambit Declined (White)
5 • Professionellster •- Queens Gambit Declined
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense | 7. ... Nh5
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack, Two Knights Defense | 7. ... c6
- Queen's Gambit Declined: Harrwitz Attack
- Professionellster

Queens Gambit Accepted (White)
53 • Professionellster •- Queens Gambit Accepted
- Queen's Gambit Accepted: Classical Defense, Main Line
- Queen's Gambit Accepted: Normal Variation, Traditional System
- Queen's Gambit Accepted: Janowski-Larsen Variation
- Professionellster

Best Begginer Openings
210 • Littleeagle789 •- Introduction
- London System
- King's Indian Attack
- Four Knights Game
- Littleeagle789

Best Begginer Openings
688 • yellowcrystal2025 •- Introduction
- London System
- King's Indian Attack
- Four Knights Game
- yellowcrystal2025

Best Begginer Openings
7 • scharan1510 •- Introduction
- London System
- King's Indian Attack
- Four Knights Game
- scharan1510

A80: Holandesa, Variante Alapin • Alapin Variation • Dutch, Manhattan (Alapin, Ulvestad) variation
3 • JeremyDuran •- Introducción
- Variante Manhattan
- Principios Generales
- Como jugar contra la variante Manhattan
- JeremyDuran

Die besten Eröffnungen für Anfänger (bis Experte)
11 • Scary_Move •- Einleitung
- Londoner System
- Königsindischer Angriff
- Vier Springer Spiel
- Solongo3
- Scary_Move