Onischuk Demolishing French Defense
84 • LukicaBrk •- Introduction
- Onischuk, Vladimir - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr
- Onischuk, Vladimir - Gharagyozian, Artur
- Onischuk, Vladimir - Razin, Vadim
- LukicaBrk
Sicilian defense: Wing gambit
1 • MS_3784 •- introduction to the topic: basics and ideas
- Main line: cxb4
- MS_3784
Dominate the French Defense
2 • Mihail_Chess_Mega •- Introduction
- What is the Schlechter French?
- Side Line 3...Nf6
- Game 1: Jaime Rey Martinez - Michal Koziorowicz
- Mihail_Chess_Mega
Dominate the French Defense
34 • LukicaBrk •- Introduction
- What is the Schlechter French?
- Side Line 3...Nf6
- Game 1: Jaime Rey Martinez - Michal Koziorowicz
- LukicaBrk
Вариант "Atomic"
1 • Chessiter666 •- Правила 1 часть
- Правила 2 часть
- Правила 3 часть
- Ловушка 1
- Chessiter666
GOL 1 - Slav Defense
1 • MarkusiYT •- Intro
- Edward Lasker - Abraham Kupchik 1923
- Chapter 1. - 4. Move deviation - Sidelines
- Chapter 1.1 - 4...b5
- MarkusiYT
Crush with 4. b4!? against the Caro-Kann
1 • good_ol_snandor •- Introduction
- 4... cxd4 and 5... Bg4
- 4... cxd4 and 5... e6
- 4... cxd4 and 5... Nc6
- good_ol_snandor
afterburner's (ffor's) attack
1 • Chessiter666 •- beginning
- a variant with a knight
- the pawn option
- a variant with a knight and a bishop
- Chessiter666
Endgames 1
1 • Peterika •- Mate with Queen and Rook
- Mate with 2 Rooks
- Mate with Queen
- Mate with Rook
- Peterika
Vezir Gambiti
1 • Azimlozer •- Giriş
- Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant 1/tartakover
- Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant /at savunması
- Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant 3/yarı tarasch savunması
- Azimlozer