
Onischuk Demolishing French Defense

84 • LukicaBrk •
  1. Introduction
  2. Onischuk, Vladimir - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr
  3. Onischuk, Vladimir - Gharagyozian, Artur
  4. Onischuk, Vladimir - Razin, Vadim
  1. LukicaBrk

Dominate the French Defense

34 • LukicaBrk •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Schlechter French?
  3. Side Line 3...Nf6
  4. Game 1: Jaime Rey Martinez - Michal Koziorowicz
  1. LukicaBrk

Dominate the French Defense

2 • Mihail_Chess_Mega •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Schlechter French?
  3. Side Line 3...Nf6
  4. Game 1: Jaime Rey Martinez - Michal Koziorowicz
  1. Mihail_Chess_Mega

Chess Openings History: Alapin Gambit

1 • chesshistorians •
  1. Introduction
  1. chesshistorians

Crush with 4. b4!? against the Caro-Kann

1 • good_ol_snandor •
  1. Introduction
  2. 4... cxd4 and 5... Bg4
  3. 4... cxd4 and 5... e6
  4. 4... cxd4 and 5... Nc6
  1. good_ol_snandor

1. g3: King‘s Indian Attack

17 • Issi09 •
  1. King‘s Indian Attack - first insight 1. g3 d5
  2. King's Indian Attack - Practice basics 1. g3 d5
  3. King's Indian Attack - possible sequels #1: 3. Bg2 Nc6
  4. King's Indian Attack - possible sequels #1: Practice
  1. Issi09

Get stronger with D4

1 • quanghungdbchess •
  1. Queen's gambit
  2. Queen's gambit 2
  3. Queen's gambit (not accept)
  4. Torre Attack
  1. quanghungdbchess

Vezir Gambiti

1 • Azimlozer •
  1. Giriş
  2. Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant 1/tartakover
  3. Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant /at savunması
  4. Reddedilen vezir gambiti varyant 3/yarı tarasch savunması
  1. Azimlozer

The Closed Sicilian | Zug-Zwang-Championship

361 • FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang •
  1. Welcome!
  2. How to study this course
  3. Chapter 1 | 2. Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4
  4. Interactive Lesson | The first moves
  1. FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang

forkqueen13's Study

1 • forkqueen13 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. forkqueen13

The Best Opening for White PONZIANI

3 • Stardine •
  1. Ponziani opening
  2. Bc3
  3. Nf6
  4. Nf6 capture variation
  1. Stardine

The Fried Liver

25 • OneAndOnlyChessGod •
  1. Introduction
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. The Fried Liver
  4. Fried liver against four knights
  1. OneAndOnlyChessGod

Jobava London opening

0 • layanbk •
  1. my game(1)
  2. Best NO.1
  3. Best NO.2
  4. my game(2)
  1. layanbk

Lambast with the London! An aggressive variation.

2 • chirby •
  1. Introduction
  2. Why not the copycat (and other alternatives)
  3. 4...e6 5. Qb3 b6 #1
  4. 4...e6 5. Qb3 b6 #2
  1. chirby

Secret Italian Game Poison

582 • LukicaBrk •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Rosentreter Gambit?
  3. They Take with a Pawn
  4. They Take with a Knight
  1. LukicaBrk

Secret Italian Game Poison

11 • aRnAVgOYaL14 •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Rosentreter Gambit?
  3. They Take with a Pawn
  4. They Take with a Knight
  1. aRnAVgOYaL14