
Visualization (including Blindfold Chess)

211 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Learning SAN
  3. Other Chess Notation
  4. Underlying Abilities for Visualization
  1. jomega

Visualization Exercises

109 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Linear Visualization
  3. Visualization - Blindfold Chess
  4. Improving Ability to PROject Positions (APROP)
  1. jomega

Calculation: Stock Forcing Moves

71 • njswift •
  1. Topalov-Morozevich 2002
  2. Karasev-Klaman 1967
  3. Askelof-Svensson 1983
  4. Larsen-Ljubojevic 1975
  1. njswift

Calculation: Stock Mating Attacks

37 • njswift •
  1. Brynell-Luther 2003
  2. Mikhalevski-Rabinovich 1999
  3. Bluvshtein-Efimenko 2004
  4. Rustemov-Shabanov 1996
  1. njswift

Basic Board Vision: Knight

31 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Knight 1-move
  3. Knight 2-move
  4. Knight 3-move
  1. jomega

Visualization - Blindfold Chess

18 • BOT ElPeonElectrico •
  1. Learning SAN
  2. Other Chess Notation
  3. Underlying Abilities for Visualization
  1. BOT ElPeonElectrico

Board Vision Combinations

15 • ritzambo •
  1. Blokh No.15
  2. Yudasin - Dorfman 1981
  3. Dimasindo - pyaiveoleg 2022 [easy]
  4. C-Baudelaire - LastSacrifice 2019 [#4]
  1. K3R2
  2. ritzambo

Solutions: Basic Board Vision: Knight

12 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Knight 1-move
  3. Knight 2-move
  4. Knight 3-move
  1. jomega

An External Representation for Tactical Patterns

12 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. ADN Representation - 1
  3. ADN Representation - 2
  4. ADN Representation - 3
  1. jomega
  2. dboing

Basic Board Vision: Qkr

10 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Re6
  3. Rd6
  4. Rd5
  1. jomega

Solutions: Basic Board Vision: Qkb

9 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Be6
  3. Bd6
  4. Bd5
  1. mojomoe
  2. jomega

Solutions: Basic Board Vision: Qkr

8 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Re6
  3. Rd6
  4. Rd5
  1. mojomoe
  2. jomega

Solutions: Basic Board Vision: Qkn

8 • jomega •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Ne6
  3. Nd6
  4. Nd5
  1. jomega

Basic Board Vision: Qkn

7 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ne6
  3. Nd6
  4. Nd5
  1. jomega

Basic Board Vision: Qkb

7 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Be6
  3. Bd6
  1. mojomoe
  2. jomega

How to use pattern recognition

4 • Stekall •
  1. The challenge
  2. Pattern 1
  3. Unknown pattern or not?
  4. Pattern 2
  1. Stekall