
Traps to win your games

4 • shreyash851-123 •
  1. The ENGLAND Trap
  2. The FISHING POLE trap
  3. best trap
  4. A beautiful trap
  1. chess
  2. soumyvidya10
  3. shreyash851-123
  4. nIlKaNtH1111111

11 Opening Traps with .1 e4

8 • Rakieta2021 •
  1. Alekhine's Defense: Trampled Cavalry
  2. Caro-Kann Defense: Pawn Punishment
  3. Caro-Kann Defense: Knight Raid
  4. Caro-Kann Defense: Smothered King
  1. Rakieta2021


3 • samuelzhuang •
  1. Noahs Ark
  2. Rubinstein
  3. Lasker
  4. Fishing Pole
  1. samuelzhuang

Traps you should never fall into

489 • AayushGhate •
  1. Schilling - Kostic trap
  2. legal mate's trap
  3. legal mate's trap #2
  4. Keininger Trap
  1. Rama45
  2. Ajan240908
  3. DanieLeoh
  4. NUMI7

Check mate

3 • nakul_v •
  1. ***Exercise***
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. nakul_v
  2. vasudevan_p

The Budapest Gambit

1 • BreBoss •
  1. The Trap
  1. BreBoss

🏆🥇 New Trixz for Chess Learners! 🥇🏆

2 • DarkShadow_Moon •
  1. Quick Intro
  1. king1lightling
  2. harri
  3. DarkShadow_Moon

London System-And Its Traps-Guide to Begginer to Advanced

550 • CoolChesser •
  1. AUTHOR'S NOTES (Or is it-Creator?)
  2. The london system-INTRO
  3. IDEAS
  4. The london system
  1. CoolChesser

Entendiendo las trampas dentro del gambito Strafford y como jugar como blancas.

11 • xlxZerchxlx •
  1. Apertura y objetivos
  2. Trampas en variante del peón en e5
  3. Trampas en variante del alfil atacando
  4. Trampas en posiciones mas probables.
  1. xlxZerchxlx

Beginnier-Intermdeiate study

  1. Sacking a knight in the beginning
  2. Center Fork Trick
  3. Mate in one #1 find
  1. SABHDavidP
  3. Nightro_G
  4. SABHMaria111

Easy and simple dirty chess tricks and tactics for low rated players(1500 and below)Part 2

6 • pc2limliyuan •
  1. Bang,Bang,Bang
  2. Oh no, your rook!
  3. Wohoo,a free pawn!
  4. Prevention is not better than cure
  1. pc2limliyuan

opening traps

1 • tharikwillbe •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. tharikwillbe

¿Cómo jugar antichess?

27 • JoshuaV_2008 •
  1. Reglas fundamentales
  2. Promoción del peón
  3. ¿Cómo ganar? #1
  4. ¿Cómo ganar? #2
  1. JoshuaV_2008

PurpleGreenninga's Study

1 • pUrpLegReeNniNga •
  1. Opening trap 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 5
  1. pUrpLegReeNniNga

Traps & Tricks by the move E4

10 • pc2limliyuan •
  1. Introduction
  2. The 7 move checkmate:The Scholar's Mate
  3. The Fried Liver Attack Part 1
  4. The Fried Liver Attack Part 2
  1. pc2limliyuan

Puzzles For You To Solve!!!

4 • pc2limliyuan •
  1. Introduction
  2. kenytiger - steveboy
  3. Llaneza Vega,M - Onischuk,V
  4. Brendel Oliver - Moehrmann Marcus
  1. pc2limliyuan