
Famous Games (Annotated)

132 • ULtRaCHeSsBlaDer2011 •
  1. Adolf Anderssen - Lionel Adalbert Bagration Fel
  2. F Alexander Hoffmann - Alexander Petrov
  3. Adolf Anderssen - Jean Dufresne
  4. Paul Morphy - Duke Karl / Count Isouard
  1. ULtRaCHeSsBlaDer2011

Chess History I. (1700 - 1900)

23 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Kermur Sire de Legal vs. Saint Brie "Legal trap" (1750)
  3. Thomas Bowdler vs. Henry Seymour Conway "Brawl" (1788)
  4. Francois Philidor vs. John M. Bruehl "Endgame theory No'1" (1789)
  1. NapalmA

Chess History IV. (2000 - 2024)

19 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Vladimir Kramnik vs. Garry Kasparov - "Shock the champion!" (2000)
  3. Judit Polgár vs. Garry Kasparov "Ladies First" (2002) 1-0
  4. Sergey Karjakin vs. V. Malinin "Pure Agression!" (2002)
  1. NapalmA

Chess History II. (1900 - 1945)

14 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Carl Schlechter vs. Walter John "Total Paralyzed" (1905)
  3. Georg Rotlevi vs. Akiba Rubinstein "Rubinstein's Immortal" (1907)
  4. Frank Marshall vs. José Raul Capablanca "Marchin' on" (1909)
  1. NapalmA

Chess History III. (1945 - 2000)

13 • NapalmA •
  1. Introduction
  2. Gosta Stoltz vs. Herman Steiner "Combo time" (1952)
  3. Efim Geller vs. Max Euwe "The best game Euwe" (1953)
  4. Paul Keres vs. Szabó László "Bombard the Kingside" (1955)
  1. NapalmA

Alekhine's Gun Game: Alekhine vs. Nimzowitsch - Sanremo 1930

10 • CPCurley •
  1. Winawer French
  1. CPCurley

Chess History II. (1900 - 1945)

10 • L46UN35 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Carl Schlechter vs. Walter John "Total Paralyzed" (1905)
  3. Georg Rotlevi vs. Akiba Rubinstein "Rubinstein's Immortal" (1907)
  4. Frank Marshall vs. José Raul Capablanca "Marchin' on" (1909)
  1. L46UN35

Famous games

7 • Swakshdaram •
    1. Swakshdaram

    Chess History I. (1700 - 1900)

    7 • L46UN35 •
    1. Introduction
    2. Kermur Sire de Legal vs. Saint Brie "Legal trap" (1750)
    3. Thomas Bowdler vs. Henry Seymour Conway "Brawl" (1788)
    4. Francois Philidor vs. John M. Bruehl "Endgame theory No'1" (1789)
    1. L46UN35

    Partidas Inmortales

    6 • RiderCARMONA •
    1. KASPAROV, Garry - TOPALOV, Veselin
    2. MORPHY, Paul - ISOUARD, Carl
    3. ALEKHINE, Alexander - NIMZOWITSCH, Aron
    1. RiderCARMONA

    Chess History IV. (2000 - 2023)

    6 • L46UN35 •
    1. Introduction
    2. Vladimir Kramnik vs. Garry Kasparov - "Shock the champion!" (2000)
    3. Judit Polgár vs. Garry Kasparov "Ladies First" (2002) 1-0
    4. Sergey Karjakin vs. V. Malinin "Pure Agression!" (2002)
    1. L46UN35

    Games to Know by Heart

    5 • JorgeAlgara72 •
    1. "Fatal Attraction" - Edward Lasker vs George Alan Thomas - London, England 1912
    2. "When Pawns Attack" - Bent Larsen vs Boris Spassky - Belgrade, Serbia 1970
    3. "The Brilliancy Prize" - Robert Byrne vs Robert Fischer - New York, USA 1963
    1. JorgeAlgara72

    Famous Games & Positions

    3 • redmenace07 •
    1. Morphy Chess Puzzle (1856)
    2. Levitsky-Marshall (1912)
    3. Réti Endgame Study (1921)
    4. Gibaud-Lazard (1924)
    1. redmenace07

    Bobby Fisher my 60 memorable games

    3 • Papapia •
    1. Too little, too late
    2. Slaying the dragon
    3. Bear hug
    4. Tour de force
    1. Papapia

    Must-see games

    2 • Papapia •
    1. Game of the century : Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer
    2. Opera game : Paul Morphy - Duke Karl / Count Isouard
    3. Fatal Attraction : Edward Lasker - George Alan Thomas
    4. Kasparov Immortal Game : Garry Kasparov - Veselin Topalov
    1. Papapia

    The McDonell Vs. La Bourdonnais Matches: Famous Games and What You Can Learn From Them

    2 • Ericliang •
    1. Introduction
    2. La Bourdonnais Picnic: Three Pawns V.S Two Rooks
    1. Ericliang