

1 • jochurannchess •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. juvanabel
  2. jochurannchess

Silman's Endgame Course: Endgames for Class "B" - Bishops of Opposite Colors

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Silman's Endgame Course: Class "B" (1400-1599) - Minor Piece Endings

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Two Bishops vs. Lone King (1)
  2. Two Bishops vs. Lone King (2)
  3. Two Bishops vs. Lone King (3)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Silman's Endgame Course: Class "B" (1400-1599) - Rook Endings

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Rook and Two Connected Pawns vs. Rook (1)
  2. Rook and Two Connected Pawns vs. Rook (2)
  3. Rook and Two Connected Pawns vs. Rook (3)
  4. All Hail the 7th Rank! (1)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Silman's Endgame Course: Class "B" (1400-1599) - King and Pawn Endgames

2 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Intro
  2. King and Two Healthy Pawns vs. the Lone King (1)
  3. King and Two Healthy Pawns vs. the Lone King (2)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Silman's Endgame Course: Class "C" (1400-1599) - Queen vs. King and Pawn

1 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Queen vs. King and Pawn: Intro
  2. Queen vs. Pawn on 6th Rank (1)
  3. Queen vs. Pawn on 6th Rank (2)
  4. Queen vs. Pawn on the 7th Rank (1)
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Silman's Complete Endgame Course - (Tactics)

1 • SamEnclaustrado •
  1. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): SIMPLE TACTICS
  2. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Flohr - Spielmann, Bled 193
  3. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Donner- Spanjaard, Holland
  4. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Chapitre : 4
  1. SamEnclaustrado

Antichess Gotm — January 2025 — PUZZLES

25 • WhyDoIPlayHere •
  1. Draw or win?
  2. Endgame stuff
  3. How does a knight move again?
  4. Rook promo
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere

Silman's Endgame Course: Class "C" (1400-1599) - Minor Piece Endgames

2 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Intro
  2. Bishop and Wrong Colored Rook-Pawn vs. Lone King (1)
  3. Bishop and Non-Rook Pawn vs. Lone King
  4. Bishop and Right Colored Rook-Pawn vs. Lone King
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Refreshed mind

1 • HonorGojo •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. HonorGojo

Silman's Complete Endgame Course - (Tactics)

20 • DGT2022 •
  1. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): SIMPLE TACTICS
  2. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Flohr - Spielmann, Bled 193
  3. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Donner- Spanjaard, Holland
  4. ENDGAMES from Beginner to Master : tactics (SILMAN): Chapitre : 4
  1. DGT2022

The Philidor Position

1 • xdannil •
  1. Philidor Gone Wrong
  1. xdannil

Antichess Gotm — December 2024 — PUZZLES

30 • WhyDoIPlayHere •
  1. Rook promotion
  2. Computer attack
  3. ACWC — big blunder
  4. Perfect race
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere


1 • tjazhi •
  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1 : Normal analysis
  3. Chapter 2 : Practice with computer
  4. Chapter 3 : Practice 2
  1. tjazhi

Dvoretsky. Endgame manual. Pawn endgames 3

1 • igor_perelyotov •
  1. Two Rook's pawns with extra pawn 1
  2. Two Rook's pawns with extra pawn 2
  3. Two Rook's pawns with extra pawn 3
  4. Two Rook's pawns with extra pawn 4
  1. igor_perelyotov

Puzzle Analysis: Endgame 2 - Who has to play has to loose

1 • arthurbricq •
  1. The puzzle
  2. Annexe 1: black wins if trading in the center
  1. arthurbricq