
Mates in 2 skewers and forks

1 • ofersagi1 •
  1. Mate in 1
  2. Mate in 1
  3. Mate in 1
  4. Mate in 1
  1. ofersagi1
  2. Poshay

Crush the Damiano Defense !

1 • yoshi46 •
  1. Introduction to the 'Damiano Gambit'
  2. Part 1 : Black accepts the Gambit, 3... fxe5
  3. Section 1 : Black protects, 4... g6
  4. 5... Qe7
  1. yoshi46

Bray9's Study

1 • Bray9 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Bray9

Greco's mate puzzles

3 • Seni146 •
  1. Example No.1
  2. Example No.2
  1. Seni146

Checkmate Patterns

2 • ReleaseTheBats •
  1. Anastasia's Mate
  2. Arabian Mate
  3. Balestra Mate
  4. Blackburne's Mate
  1. ReleaseTheBats

Queen Box Checkmate

1 • herpxd •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Puzzle
  1. herpxd


1 • DVDogCat •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 6
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  1. UWSoto
  2. DVDogCat
  3. UWVietri

Checkmate Patterns

2 • MateoCps77 •
  1. The Queen: Introduction
  2. The Queen: Queen & Helper Mate 1
  1. MateoCps77

Arjunkumaran's Study

1 • Arjunkumaran •
  1. Queen trap
  2. King safety
  3. Checkmate
  1. Aashikumaran
  2. Arjunkumaran

9) Art of Attack - The attack on the fianchettoed and Queenside castled King

3 • ZuccarV •
  1. Richter - Abramavicius, Hamburg 1930
  2. Szilagyi - Szabo, Budapest 1946
  3. Alexander - Pachman, Hilversum 1947
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73

Mate in one puzzles

3 • Anthargyani •
  1. Mate in one #1
  2. Mate in one #2
  3. Mate in one #3
  4. Mate in one #4
  1. Anthargyani

Reti's mate study

1 • Abhiramkkunnath •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 5
  1. Abhiramkkunnath

Checkmate patterns - Chess Knight Academy

2 • FM limerik •
  1. מט אנסטסיה
  2. אנדרסן מט
  3. מט ערבי
  4. מט מתחת למיים
  1. FM limerik

8) Art of the Attack - Pieces and pawns

7 • ZuccarV •
  1. Fox - Bauer, Washington 1901
  2. Lewitzky - Marshall, Breslau 1912
  3. Alekhine - Supico, Tenerife 1945
  4. Winter - Capablanca, Ramsgate 1929
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73

The Single Rook Checkmate

1 • Magnus431 •
  1. The Full Checkmate
  2. A Coy Trick
  3. Guided Lesson: King + Rook
  4. Practice: King + Rook
  1. Ravi_AgChess
  2. Magnus431
  3. Kyra_AgChess
  4. S_Arunraj

7) Art of Attack - Ranks, files and diagonals in attack of castled King

7 • ZuccarV •
  1. Back rank weakness
  2. Mikenas - Maroczy, Folkesone 1933
  3. Najdorf - Julio Bolbochan, Mardel Plata 1948
  4. Alekhine - E. Cohn, Stockholm 1912
  1. Vibes91
  2. Migarovv
  3. ZuccarV
  4. GiPi73