
Examples of the Attack on f7

1 • ouuuouii2000 •
  1. Example 1
  2. Example 1 - Quiz 1
  3. Example 1 - Quiz 2
  1. ouuuouii2000

The Giants of Power Play

1 • ouuuouii2000 •
  1. Barnes v. Morphy, London 1858 (Philidor Defense)
  2. Bronstein v. Geller, Moscow 1961 (Nimzo-Indian)
  3. Geller v. Kotov, Moscow 1955 (Ruy Lopez)
  1. ouuuouii2000

my 60

1 • ouuuouii2000 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ouuuouii2000

ouuuouii2000's Study

1 • ouuuouii2000 •
  1. Ouuii123 - catpain27
  1. ouuuouii2000

von Hennig Gambit (Surprise weapon against Caro-Kaan)

1 • ouuuouii2000 •
  1. 4....Nf6 and 6...Bg4? ***** Line 1
  2. 4....Nf6 and 6...Bg4? ***** Line 2
  3. 4....Nf6 and 6...Bg4? ***** Line 3
  4. 4...Nf6 and 6...Bf5 ***** Line 1
  1. ouuuouii2000