
Capablanca's Best Chess Endings

1 • njswift •
  1. Capablanca-Corzo 1901
  2. Capablanca-Corzo 1901
  3. Marshall-Capablanca 1909
  4. Marshall-Capablanca 1909
  1. njswift

Tactics in Queen Endgames

1 • njswift •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. njswift

My Games 4

1 • njswift •
  1. njswift - frog26
  2. njswift - Butcher_Of_Truth
  1. njswift

Interesting Games

1 • njswift •
  1. Fontaine-MVL 2007
  2. Krasenkow-Nakamura 2007
  3. Gelfand-Karpov 1996
  4. Szabo-Stepanencu 2023
  1. njswift

Tactics in Pawn Endgames

887 • njswift •
  1. Exercise #1
  2. Exercise #2
  3. Exercise #3
  4. Exercise #4
  1. njswift

Kasparov on Kasparov Part 1 (Games 1-60)

4 • njswift •
  1. Kasparov-Muratkuliev 1973
  2. Kengis-Kasparov 1973
  3. Magerramov-Kasparov 1973
  4. Sarkisov-Kasparov 1974
  1. njswift

Rook Pawns and Bähr's Rule

34 • njswift •
  1. Gaining a tempo
  2. An unwanted tempo
  3. Another unwanted tempo
  4. Make the sacrificial route as long as possible
  1. njswift

Advance Caro-Kann: The Botvinnik-Carls Defense

275 • njswift •
  1. The Advance Caro-Kann
  2. The Botvinnik-Carls Defense
  3. Lesser responses
  4. The questionable 4. Bb5+?!
  1. njswift

Exchange Sacrifices

2 • njswift •
  1. Introduction
  2. Szabo-Petrosian 1952
  3. Tolush-Botvinnik 1945
  4. Petrosian-Spassky 1966
  1. njswift

Two Rooks vs Rook and Minor Piece

19 • njswift •
  1. Introduction
  3. Ideal defensive setup
  4. Ftacnik-Remon 1980
  1. njswift

Fortresses in Pawn Endgames

28 • njswift •
  1. Introduction
  2. Simple fortress #1
  3. Simple fortress #2
  4. Simple fortress #3
  1. njswift

My Games 3

3 • njswift •
  1. ACash - njswift
  2. ARchess1986 - nicholasswift
  3. Bangash51214 - nicholasswift
  4. chessjedi2021 - njswift
  1. njswift

My Games 2

1 • njswift •
  1. AradHSN12 - njswift
  2. arhdv - njswift
  3. BW101 - njswift
  4. DLXXIII - njswift
  1. njswift

My Games 1

1 • njswift •
  1. njswift - DeeKentavr
  2. njswift - AugustBerg
  3. newchessplayer23 - njswift
  4. DocktorVonStrudel - njswift
  1. njswift

Bronstein Games

12 • njswift •
  1. Efimov-Bronstein 1941
  2. Pachman-Bronstein 1946
  3. Zita-Bronstein 1946
  4. Bronstein-Dubinin 1947
  1. njswift

Bronstein Wins with the Caro-Kann

13 • njswift •
  1. Estrin-Bronstein 1946
  2. Kopaev-Bronstein 1946
  3. Gusev-Bronstein 1947
  4. Porreca-Bronstein 1954
  1. njswift