
Checkmate 1

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. move the king
  2. capture
  3. block the check
  4. is it check?block
  1. gerardgarbla

Check or checkmate

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. to eat or to win?
  2. Capítol 1
  3. Capítol 2
  4. Capítol 3
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Study

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Rook 1

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Rook
  2. Rook 2. Legal moves
  3. Rook. legal moves 2.
  4. Rook. Capture one piece on each move
  1. gerardgarbla

vinne brikker

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  2. Capítol 2
  3. Capítol 3
  4. Capítol 4
  1. gerardgarbla

moving safely

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  2. Capítol 2
  1. gerardgarbla

the king

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol moves
  2. king captures a piece
  3. capture a black piece on every move without allowing urself to be captured
  4. Capture.onemove.not allowin....
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Study

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  1. gerardgarbla


1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  2. Capítol 2
  3. Capítol 3
  4. Capítol 4
  1. gerardgarbla

Capture the king

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  2. Capítol 3
  3. Capítol 2
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Study

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Study

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Capítol 1
  1. gerardgarbla

the knight

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. legal moves knight. the center the better
  2. Legalmoves rook vs legal moves knight
  3. how many moves to reach the king
  4. one piece on each move
  1. gerardgarbla

The pawn

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Els peons punt de partida.dos i una casella.menjadiagonal.enapssant
  2. the pawn white pawn must reach e8
  3. quines peces poden menjar els peons blancs?
  4. Promotion
  1. gerardgarbla

gerardgarbla's Study

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. gerardgarbla

The hunt. attack!

1 • gerardgarbla •
  1. 1.torre vs cavall. mou rei. alfil ataca cavall. torre ataca dama. cavall cavall
  2. aim at a pblack piece safely.peoc4.rei.dama ordre
  3. aim at black pieces. move the piece where it can not be captured.
  4. aim at black pieces. move...3
  1. gerardgarbla