
London System Repertoire

2336 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. London System Basics
  3. London vs d5 e6 Part 1
  4. London vs d5 e6 Part 2
  1. davidharoldchess

My Opening Repertoire

2 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fried-Liver Attack etc.
  3. Italian Game
  4. Evans Gambit
  1. davidharoldchess

Two Knights Defence 4. Ng5

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Mainline
  2. 7... Nxc6
  3. Traxler: 4... Bc5!?
  4. 5... Nd4!?
  1. davidharoldchess

Black Two Knights Defence Repertoire

7 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Overview
  2. 1. Knight Attack
  3. 1.1. Polerio Defence
  4. 1.2. Traxler Counterattack
  1. davidharoldchess
  2. kollybot

Black Slav Repertoire

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Exchange Variation
  3. 2. Main Line
  1. davidharoldchess

A Gambit For Every Opening

25 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. White Gambit Repertoire (1. e4)
  4. Danish Gambit - 5... Bb4+ Line
  1. davidharoldchess

Wing Gambit Analysis

8 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Contents
  3. 1. French Defence
  4. 1.1. WGA
  1. davidharoldchess
  2. kollybot

Attacking the Sicilian

4 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Nc6 Lines
  3. 1.1. Classical Variation
  4. 1.2. Sveshnikov Variation - Mainline Option
  1. davidharoldchess

Nc3/Nd2 Caro-Kann Repertoire

2 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. 1. Main Line
  4. 1.1. Classical Variation
  1. davidharoldchess

Tennison Gambit Repertoire

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. 1. Nf6 Lines
  4. 1.1. Bc4 Mainline
  1. davidharoldchess

King's Indian Defence vs The London

21 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. 1. Bd3 Setups
  4. 2. Be2 Setups
  1. davidharoldchess

Traxler Counterattack Repertoire (Black)

2 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Overview
  2. 1. Nxf7
  3. 1.1. Kf1
  4. 1.1.1. d6
  1. davidharoldchess
  2. kollybot

davidharoldchess's Study

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. davidharoldchess

Sicilian Najdorf Repertoire

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Lines Overview
  3. 1. English Attack
  4. 2. Classical Main Line
  1. davidharoldchess
  2. kollybot

Anti-Anti-Fried Liver

1 • davidharoldchess •
  1. Initial Idea
  2. Danish Gambit Crossover
  3. Random Stuff
  4. New Theory
  1. davidharoldchess
  2. kollybot

Blitz Traps and Tricks

2 • davidharoldchess •
  1. White
  2. Caro-Kann d3 Trap
  3. Black
  4. Englund Gambit
  1. davidharoldchess