
michael actually played well

1 • chessplayss •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ExtremeEnergy360
  2. chessplayss

important endgame ideas and positions to know by heart

2 • chessplayss •
  1. lucena position
  2. h and a pawn lucena
  3. philidor
  4. Q +K vs K+b-g pawn
  1. chessplayss

chessplayss's Study

1 • chessplayss •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. chessplayss

my defence teen london

1 • chessplayss •
  1. game 1(Brandon fourie-Devon Smit 0-1)
  2. white goes for a all in queenside attack
  3. nog boring games
  1. chessplayss