
queen vs pawn endings

33 • chesshowler •
  1. queen vs pawn endings (a centre pawn)
  2. queen vs pawn endings (a knights pawn)
  3. queen vs pawn endings (a bishops pawn)
  4. queen vs pawn endings (a rook pawn)
  1. chesshowler


14 • chesshowler •
  1. triangulation explanation
  2. triangulation
  3. triangulation puzzle
  1. chesshowler

bishop vs knight endgames

8 • chesshowler •
  1. bishop vs knight endgame
  2. thank you️
  1. chesshowler

Alekhine best games

7 • chesshowler •
  1. Efim Bogoljubov - Alexander Alekhine
  2. Alexander Alekhine - NN
  3. Alexander Alekhine - Salomon Flohr
  4. Alekhine, Alexander - Yates, Frederick Dewhurst
  1. chesshowler

Greko sacrifice

6 • chesshowler •
  1. Greco, Gioacchino - NN
  2. Greco's Sacrifice - More advanced basic example
  3. Greco's Sacrifice - More advanced basic example
  4. De Soyres, John - Skipworth, Arthur Bolland
  1. chesshowler

attacking and defending the king

4 • chesshowler •
  1. attacking the king basics - part1
  2. attacking the king basics - part2
  3. Position1
  4. Position2
  1. ANRKW
  2. chesshowler

same-coloured bishop endgames

4 • chesshowler •
  1. same-coloured bishop endgames
  2. same-coloured bishop endgames (more complex version)
  3. thank you️
  1. chesshowler

opposite-coloured bishop endgames

3 • chesshowler •
  1. opposite-coloured bishop endgames
  2. thank you️
  1. chesshowler

rook endgames

3 • chesshowler •
  1. four rooks endgame
  2. two rooks endgame
  1. chesshowler

Pawn Structures : every type of pawn structures

2 • chesshowler •
  1. the pawn structures intro
  2. part-1 doubled pawns: nice start
  3. doubled pawns
  4. Doubled pawns
  1. chesshowler

the pawns:how can the pawns help you win

2 • chesshowler •
  1. a-pawn:the opening
  2. a-pawn:the middlegame
  3. a-pawn:the endgame
  4. b-pawn:the opening
  1. chesshowler

chesshowler's Study

2 • chesshowler •
  1. Shankland, Samuel L - Ding, Liren
  2. Ding, Liren - Shankland, Samuel L
  3. Shankland, Samuel L - Ding, Liren
  1. chesshowler


1 • chesshowler •
  1. game
  1. chesshowler

rook vs pawn endings

1 • chesshowler •
  1. the most key idea
  1. chesshowler


1 • chesshowler •
  1. Carlsen, Magnus - Nakamura, Hikaru
  1. chesshowler

chesshowler's Study

1 • chesshowler •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Haykoooo0o - c4c5d4
  3. Haykoooo0o - c4c5d4
  1. hayk_yeritsyann
  2. chesshowler