
KID vs. London

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Mainline without anything else
  2. Chapter 3
  1. cherrytea78

Traps and Blunders

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Anonymous - Anonymous
  1. cherrytea78

Kingside Attack Analysis

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Destroying The Kingside
  2. Destroying the Kingside - Black
  1. cherrytea78

Queen's Gambit Accepted - Various Blunders

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Queen's Gambit Accepted - misc.
  2. Queen's Gambit Accepted - misc.
  1. cherrytea78

The Ponziani

7 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Jaenisch Counterattack
  2. 3. d5
  3. Ponziani Other Variations
  4. Other Traps
  1. ForeverSionce
  2. cherrytea78

Puzzle of the Day

3 • cherrytea78 •
  1. October 5
  2. October 6
  3. October 7
  4. October 7.2
  1. cherrytea78

cherrytea78's Study

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. cherrytea78

Traps :)

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Oh no! Part 1 - Black
  2. Oh no! Part 1 - White
  3. Oh no! Part 2 - Black
  4. Oh no! Part 2 - White
  1. cherrytea78

Game study

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. cherrytea78 (1527) - Deyberfx (1500?)
  1. cherrytea78

cherrytea78's Study

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. cherrytea78 (1505) - CDEFGAH (1972)
  1. cherrytea78
  2. Scandinavian_Axe

Game study

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. hoaho (1586) - puratastatura (1567)
  1. cherrytea78

King's Gambit Accepted

2 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Responses To King's Gambit
  1. ForeverSionce
  2. cherrytea78

London Response

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ForeverSionce
  2. cherrytea78

Miscellaneous Openings

2 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Nimzo-Larsen Attack 1.b3
  2. French 2nd Moves Prep
  3. Queen's Gambit Declined Prep
  4. Winawer Countergambit
  1. cherrytea78

Fishing Pole Trap

1 • cherrytea78 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. ForeverSionce
  2. cherrytea78

Atomic Fool's Mate

2 • cherrytea78 •
  1. atomic fool's mate
  2. If they don't fall for the trap
  3. other stuff
  1. cherrytea78