
Instructive zh positions

300 • catask •
  1. Introduction
  2. A common tactic
  3. Positional Play
  4. Comparing Options #1
  1. TheFinnisher
  2. FM chickencrossroad
  3. NM Jasugi99
  4. RapidVariants

1. d4 Intro Guide

201 • catask •
  1. Introduction
  2. On the nature of d4
  3. On the nature of d4 II
  4. Knight development (Nf3, Nc3) Pin
  1. catask

Basic Openings

77 • catask •
  1. Introduction
  2. State of affairs
  3. Opening goals in crazyhouse
  4. 1. e4 - Basics
  1. the-lone-wolf
  2. GM gsvc
  3. TheFinnisher
  4. IM opperwezen

d4 compilation

77 • catask •
  1. 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Bf5
  2. 2...Bf5 3. Bg5 h6 4. Bh4 g5
  3. 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Bf5 3. Bg5 f6
  4. 3. Bg5 h6 4. Bh4 g5 (without Bf5)
  1. catask

bughouse openings

44 • catask •
  1. Introduction
  2. e4 e5 lines
  1. catask

Queenless Crazyhouse

39 • catask •
  1. CrazyAra - Stockfish
  2. Stockfish - CrazyAra
  3. variant-sf2019 - variant-sf2019
  4. variant-sf2019 - variant-sf2019
  1. catask

Engine games (crazyhouse)

37 • catask •
  1. CrazyAra - Stockfish (1-0)
  2. Stockfish - CrazyAra (1-0)
  3. CrazyAra - Stockfish (1-0)
  4. Stockfish - CrazyAra (0-1)
  1. catask

atomar theory

35 • catask •
  1. KQ v K
  2. KR v K
  3. KR vs K (ending)
  4. K+2B vs K
  1. Wolfram_EP
  2. Opabinia
  3. DanDan2016
  4. catask

Atomic (White)

25 • catask •
  1. 1. Nh3 h6 2. d4 d5 3. Na3
  2. 2...d5 3. Nc3
  3. 2...d5 3. Nc3 + e4 lines
  4. 2...d5 3. Nc3 a6 4. e4
  1. catask

1. d4 Intro Guide

24 • catask •
  1. Introduction
  2. On the nature of d4
  3. On the nature of d4 II
  4. Knight development (Nf3, Nc3) Pin
  1. catask

CrazyAra-Stockfish games

21 • catask •
  1. CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-200 - stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-
  2. CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-200 - stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-
  3. stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-03 - CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-2
  4. CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-200 - stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-
  1. catask

upsidedown chess (w5)

20 • catask •
  1. 7. Qd3 (unfinished)
  2. 10...Bb2 (unfinished)
  3. startpos (unfinished)
  4. 7. Qe6 (unfinished)
  1. catask

Legion Puzzle

17 • catask •
  1. Legion Puzzle
  1. catask

CrazyAra-Stockfish games pt II

16 • catask •
  1. CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-200 - stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-
  2. stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-03 - CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-2
  3. CrazyAra-0.7.0-Model-OS-45-batch-16-temp-200 - stockfish-x86_64-modern 2019-12-
  1. catask

cwc prep 2

16 • catask •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Fried liver ideas
  1. catask

3check Puzzlebattle

15 • catask •
  1. TheReturner - toivok3 (2 moves)
  2. QueenEatingDragon - politeia (2 moves)
  3. variation from Shprot86 - catask (4 moves)
  4. politeia - querencia (2 moves)
  1. catask