
3rd and 4th Place Match

1 • cFlour •
  1. SupWitches - Devansh Vadavathy
  2. Devansh Vadavathy - SupWitches
  3. SupWitches - Devansh Vadavathy
  4. Devansh Vadavathy - SupWitches
  1. tolius
  2. cFlour

5 Lesser Known Mistakes in Antichess

14 • cFlour •
  1. Moves Leading to Mistake 5
  2. Moves Leading to Mistake 4
  3. Moves Leading to Mistake 3
  4. Moves Leading to Mistake 2
  1. cFlour

Advent of Chess 2023

14 • cFlour •
  1. Day 1
  2. Day 2
  3. Day 3
  4. Day 4
  1. LM Assios
  2. cFlour

Akward Antichess Positions

3 • cFlour •
  1. calbernandhowbefan - cFlour
  2. cflour - luka3916
  3. Suicide Defence
  1. SarangSule
  2. calbernandhowbefan
  3. cFlour

Akwardly Checkmated Positions

1 • cFlour •
  1. Knightmare #1
  2. cFlour - LM PeshkaCh
  3. Gambit Everything
  1. cFlour

Anti-Antichess Puzzles

1 • cFlour •
  1. UltimateBlitzPlayer - cFlour
  2. Puzzle by Watkins
  3. My Take On The Puzzle by Watkins
  1. tolius
  2. cFlour

Antichess GotM August 2024

14 • cFlour •
  1. Under 2000: ConLeech (1674) (Winner) - MiladLouak0
  2. 2000-2200: joer45 (2195) (Winner) - Svatoslav1885
  3. 2200+: ChessDemon989 - Pinni7 (2421) (Winner)
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere
  2. cFlour

Antichess GotM July 2024

20 • cFlour •
  1. Under 2000: ConLeech (1279) (winner) - VS_HULK
  2. 2000-2200: CM Faulitemporary - chicken_buttt (2108) (winner)
  3. 2200+: SongRemainstTheSame - ChangleOpenings (2239) (winner)
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere
  2. sudenurk2
  3. cFlour

Antichess GotM November 2024

17 • cFlour •
  1. Under 2000 White: buckytheboss75 (1970) (winner) - TDK76 (1965)
  2. Under 2000 Black: pawnswindler (2287) - jtfu7bigil (1906) (winner)
  3. 2000-2200 White: Siddiq1911 (2169) (winner) - IiTheAruNiI (2317)
  4. 2000-2200 Black: MoveItUrSlow (2262) - Milky_Way12 (2183) (winner)
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere
  2. cFlour

Antichess Opening Traps

63 • cFlour •
  1. Introduction to the Study
  2. Waterfall Line Basic Trap
  3. Trap in Taelman's Proof
  1. cFlour

Antichess Puzzle Battle Puzzles

1 • cFlour •
  1. 2000 #1
  2. 2000 #2
  3. 2000 #3
  4. 2000 #4
  2. cFlour

Antichess Puzzles by Sarang Part 2

8 • cFlour •
  1. Puzzle 1: Difficulty 1800
  2. Puzzle 2: Difficulty 2500
  3. Puzzle 3: Difficulty 2000
  4. Puzzle 4: Difficulty 2300
  1. cFlour

Antichess Puzzles by cFlour Part 1

33 • cFlour •
  1. Introduction
  2. Puzzle 1: Difficulty 2000
  3. Puzzle 2: Difficulty 1600
  4. Puzzle 3: Difficulty 1700
  1. nomoreanti
  2. cFlour
  3. Pinni7
  4. OutOfFuel

Antichess Tactical Training

36 • cFlour •
  1. Introduction
  2. Puzzle 1: 1925
  3. Puzzle 2: 2200
  4. Puzzle 3: 2300?
  1. cFlour

Antichess: Intermediates and Zugzwangs Practice

12 • cFlour •
  1. Zugzwang 1
  2. Zugzwang 2
  3. Zugzwang 3
  4. Zugzwang 4
  1. cFlour

Atomar Endgames

8 • cFlour •
  1. KBBBB v K
  2. KBB v K
  3. KQ v K
  4. KRR v K
  1. Wolfram_EP
  2. Hellfira
  3. cFlour