
Jobava London Theory

1 • armtwister •
  1. Jobava London 3...e6 ( Variation 4..Bd6)
  2. Jobava London 3...e6 ( Variation 4..Bb4+)
  3. Jobava London 3...e6 ( Variation 4..Na6+)
  4. Jobava London 3...c5
  1. armtwister

French Defense Sidelines Theory

1 • armtwister •
  1. French Defense 2.e5
  2. French Defense 2.f4
  3. French Defense 2.d3
  4. French Defense 2.Qe2
  1. armtwister

Defense and counter attack

1 • armtwister •
  1. Korchnoi vs Karpov
  2. Kasparov vs Topalov
  3. Kapov vs Kasparov
  1. armtwister

Calculation & Visualisation

1 • armtwister •
  1. Game 1
  2. Game 2
  3. Game 3
  4. Game 4
  1. armtwister

Tactical Exercises -Visualisation

1 • armtwister •
  1. Black to play
  2. White to play
  3. Black to play
  4. White to play
  1. armtwister

French Defense Main Lines

1 • armtwister •
  1. French Exchange
  2. French Exchange Monte Carlo
  3. French Advance
  4. French Tarrasch
  1. armtwister

Basic Opening Principles for Beginners

5 • armtwister •
  1. The 5 opening principles in Chess
  2. Control the center
  3. Centralized Pieces are more power as they control maximum squares
  4. Develop your pieces quickly and well
  1. armtwister

Basic Chess Principles for Beginners (Rating 1000 -1500 elo)

1 • armtwister •
  1. Control the center 1- Key squares e4,d4,e5&d5
  2. Good opening moves vs Bad ones
  3. Do not make too many pawn moves in the opening
  4. Don't bring out your queen too early
  1. armtwister

Practical Endgames

1 • armtwister •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. armtwister

Passed Pawns

1 • armtwister •
  1. What is a passed pawn?
  2. How many pawns are passed?
  3. Triple Passed Pawns
  4. An Outside passed pawn
  1. armtwister

Positional Chess Concepts

1 • armtwister •
  1. Develop your pieces to most active squares
  2. Do not make your bishop a tall pawn
  3. Do not defend passively unless it is absolutely necessory
  1. armtwister

Basic Middlegame Strategy for Beginners

1 • armtwister •
  1. Make the best possible move
  2. Learn to count - Make profitable exchanges
  1. armtwister

Must Know Tactical Patterns in Chess

1 • armtwister •
  1. Position 0
  2. Position 1
  3. Position 2
  1. armtwister

Giuoco Piano Greco Gambit

1 • armtwister •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. armtwister

Tactical & Positional Study

1 • armtwister •
  1. Tactical 1
  2. Tactical 2
  3. Tactical 3
  4. Tactical 4
  1. armtwister

Fortress Chess Problems

1 • armtwister •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. armtwister