1# e4 repertoire Danish gambit
7 • Thepawnslayer •- Introduction 5...Qg5?
- Declining the danish gambit
- 5...d5 The antidote? The Schlecter Defense
- 5...Bb4+ The Copenhagen Defense
- Thepawnslayer
1...e5 repertoire
3 • Thepawnslayer •- Introduction (INDEX)
- 1.1.1 Two Knights Ulvestad [Part 1] 6.dxc6
- 1.1.2 Two Knights Ulvestad [Part 2] 6.Bxc6
- 1.1.3 Bf1! Two Knights Ulvestad [Part 3] Tackling the main-line
- Thepawnslayer
1...e6 black repertoire
23 • Thepawnslayer •- 1.0 Introduction to 1...e6 repertoire
- 2.0 Playing against 1.e4 with the french (an introduction to the many lines)
- 2.1 (The Fort Knox Variation) A lazy man's guide to facing 3.Nc3 and 3.Nd2
- Thepawnslayer
10 Opening systems for white
17 • Thepawnslayer •- Barcza System set-up
- Barcza System in action
- Bird-Larsen Attack set-up
- Bird-Larsen Attack in action
- Thepawnslayer
4...Qh4!? The Steinitz variation against the Scotch Opening
1 • Thepawnslayer •- The Scotch theory
- Thepawnslayer
4NCL Division 4 Round 3+4 Tactics
1 • Thepawnslayer •- Haran Rasalingam - Gerald Michaud - Rook sacrifice
- Alan Nelder - Xavier Sottrell - Opening disaster
- B R Gagan - Edward Gray - Queen intermezzo
- Robert Newton - Zac Welling - Rf6!! Blocking - Fischer-Benko
- Thepawnslayer
A simple white repertoire
7 • Thepawnslayer •- Introduction
- Activity of pieces
- Queen's too early
- (1...e5) The four knights game
- Thepawnslayer
Activity in chess
1 • Thepawnslayer •- My game from the tournament
- Chapter 8
- Friedrich Saemisch (?) - Aron Nimzowitsch (?)
- Immortal Zugzwang
- JoelMCFC
- Thepawnslayer
All checkmate patterns
3 • Thepawnslayer •- Kiss of death 1#
- kiss of death 2#
- kiss of death 3#
- bank row mate 1#
- Thepawnslayer
Benko gambit
1 • Thepawnslayer •- Introduction
- Declined: 4.Nd2
- Declined: 4.Qc2
- Declined: 4.a4
- Thepawnslayer
Blitz opening repertoire (white)
5 • Thepawnslayer •- 1.1 Intro to repertoire and index of variation
- 1.2 The French Defense Alapin gambit
- 1.3 The Caro-Kann Defense Maroczy Variation
- 1.4 **Declined** 3...Bf5 Zeller Defense
- Thepawnslayer