
Caro-Kann Defense

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Advance Caro-Kann with 3. ...Bf5
  2. Advance Caro-Kann with 3. ...c5
  3. The Van der Viel Attack
  1. TheBiggerPotato

Closed Sicilian

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Main lines
  1. TheBiggerPotato

Evan's bishop Countergambit

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Opening
  1. TheBiggerPotato

London System

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. London vs. King's Indian
  2. Chapter 2
  1. TheBiggerPotato

My Opening Tree

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Base Tree as White
  2. Main Line London
  3. London System vs King's Indian
  4. Qb6 Anti London
  1. TheBiggerPotato

TheBiggerPotato's Study

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. TheBiggerPotato

TheBiggerPotato's Study

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. TheBiggerPotato

TheBiggerPotato's Study

1 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. TheBiggerPotato

Vienna System

14 • TheBiggerPotato •
  1. Vienna Gambit with 3. ...exf4
  2. Vienna Gambit with 3. ...d6
  3. Vienna Gambit with 3. ...Nc6
  4. Vienna System with 2. ...Nc6
  1. TheBiggerPotato