
How To Reassess Your Chess WB 02

15 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    How To Reassess Your Chess WB 04

    10 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. Self-Annotations 116
    2. Self-Annotations 117
    3. Self-Annotations 118
    4. Self-Annotations 119
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    How To Reassess Your Chess WB 03

    8 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. The Endgame 101a
    2. The Endgame 101b
    3. The Endgame 101c
    4. The Endgame 101d
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    ENDGAME - 4 - Class "C" (1400-1599)

    7 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 1.01 - King & Pawn Endgames
    2. 1.02 - King & Pawn Endgames
    3. 1.03 - King & Pawn Endgames
    4. 1.04 - King & Pawn Endgames
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    HTRYC 06 - Statics vs. Dynamics

    6 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Statics vs. Dynamics
    2. 02 - Statics vs. Dynamics
    3. 03 - Statics vs. Dynamics
    4. 04 - Statics vs. Dynamics
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    How To Reassess Your Chess WB 01

    6 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. The Opening 001
    2. The Opening 002
    3. The Opening 003
    4. The Opening 004a
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    ENDGAME - 3 - Class "D" (1200-1399)

    5 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 2.01 - King & Pawn Endgames
    2. 2.02 - King & Pawn Endgames
    3. 3.01W - Minor Piece Vs. Lone Pawn
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    HTRYC Tests 05 - Target Consciousness

    4 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01a - Target Consciousness
    2. 01aa - Target Consciousness
    3. 01b - Target Consciousness
    4. 01c - Target Consciousness
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    HTRYC Tests 04 - Psychological Meanderings

    4 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Material
    2. 02a - Material
    3. 02b - Material
    4. 02c - Material
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    HTRYC Tests 02 - Minor Pieces

    4 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Knights
    2. 02 - Knights
    3. 03 - Knights
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    Repertoire - Black [1.e4 e5!]

    3 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. RUY LOPEZ KERES VARIATION: 12.Nbd2 with 14.d5
    2. RUY LOPEZ KERES VARIATION: 12.Nbd2 with 14.e5 or 14.Nf1
    3. RUY LOPEZ KERES VARIATION: 12th Move Alternatives (12.dxe5)
    4. RUY LOPEZ KERES VARIATION: 12th Move Alternatives (12.d5)
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    HTRYC Tests 03 - Rooks

    3 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Rooks
    2. 02 - Rooks
    3. 03 - Rooks
    4. 04 - Rooks
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    Repertoire - White [1.e4!]

    1 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    Bobby Fischer's 60 Memorable Games [1969] (~26 y.o.)

    1 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Too Little, Too Late - Sicilian Defense
    2. 02 - Slaying the Dragon - Sicilian Defense
    3. 03 - Bear Hug - King's Indian Defense
    4. 04 - Tact & Tactics - Sicilian Defense
    1. Ser_Jazzerton

    WCC, NYC 2016

    1 • Ser_Jazzerton •
    1. 01 - Carlsen - Karjakin
    2. 02 - Karjakin - Carlsen
    3. 03 - Carlsen - Karjakin
    4. 04 - Karjakin - Carlsen
    1. Ser_Jazzerton