
12345678910 Study

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. A game:How you can play
  2. Best trap which I know-Philidor defense
  3. Grob's attack
  4. Conclusion
  1. Jiya11
  2. jhattar
  3. koravi
  4. Rosey12

Beginner opening traps

4 • Rosey12 •
  1. Demiano trap
  2. Philidor defense
  3. Noah's ark trap
  4. Grob's attack
  1. kooliceforever
  2. Rosey12
  3. srshikhare
  4. AmrutaShikhare

Christmas Specials

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. The game of Reindeers
  2. Santa and Mary
  3. Otrera and White King(trailer)
  1. Ishanachawla
  2. jhattar
  3. GM Creep30
  4. Rosey12

Fun Study 123

2 • Rosey12 •
  1. The Pyramid
  2. Grob’s Attack
  3. Damiano’s Defense
  1. Rosey12

Game Study

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Patrik_de_Smrt - ugurcangenc
  2. Junomadeit - CacoGabriel
  3. NM potpiedude - ruyalarcon76
  1. Ishanachawla
  2. raone1234
  3. jhattar
  4. harshjot

Game study

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Rosey12 (1269) - Karan2002 (1170)
  1. Rosey12

Games against myself

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Game2
  1. Jiya11
  2. FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  3. Rosey12

Hij The Cool Girls

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Hij Girls in the Jungle
  2. The village/going back to the Jungle
  3. Going Home/Homecoming
  4. Final chapter
  1. Ishanachawla
  2. jhattar
  3. harshjot
  4. Rosey12

How you can play-a guide from rosey12.

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. How to build a pyramid:Strong center and attack
  2. Grob's attack:use it as a shock weapon!
  3. One of my favorite games:use it in your game!
  4. Conclusion
  1. Ishanachawla
  2. jhattar
  3. Pawnmaster254
  4. Rosey12

Imagine things in CHESS!

2 • Rosey12 •
  1. Chess wall
  2. Make your game
  3. One trap you can try:Philidor defense
  4. Maybe you can try this trap
  1. parthrupapara
  2. Ishanachawla
  3. jhattar
  4. kavita2003

India National/Schools/District Tournaments.

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. H. Kulkarni vs Chaarvi A. Round 2 National
  2. H. Kulkarni vs M. Uma Uthra Round 3
  3. H. Kulkarni vs S. Datir Round 4
  4. H. Kulkarni vs S. Maroo Round 5
  2. ShivChhatrapati
  3. Rosey12

My special study,please join!

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Learn a opening!
  2. Trick your opponent!
  3. The players I am going to add!My special chapter number 1.
  4. Chess Scramble-Idea by Me and Jiya(Jhattar)
  1. Ishanachawla
  2. jhattar
  3. harshjot
  4. Pawnmaster254

My study(Imagine stuff)

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Gambit2Mate - selton1p
  2. What's YOUR game?Put them in this chapter.
  3. Chess wall(Make and destroy)
  4. My game
  1. kooliceforever
  2. Rosey12
  3. srshikhare
  4. AmrutaShikhare

Otrera and White King:A story

2 • Rosey12 •
  1. Me and jhattar cooperate
  2. The Killing
  3. Chapter 5
  4. Happy ending
  1. jhattar
  2. Rosey12

Puzzling Puzzles

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Difficulty: Easy
  2. Difficulty: Easy
  3. Difficulty: Normal
  1. Rosey12

Raone1234 and rosey12's study

1 • Rosey12 •
  1. Horizontal opposition
  2. *Sample game
  3. Vertical opposition
  4. *Sample game
  1. raone1234
  2. Rosey12