
Remarkable games throughout history

1 • Rapablanca •
  1. Kann plays the Caro-Kann (Mieses vs Kann 1885)
  2. Lasker's best game ? (Pillsbury vs. Lasker 1896)
  3. 9 passed pawns: p p p p p p p p p (Smyslov vs Botvinnik 1941)
  4. One of the sharpest Alekhine's you'll ever find (Geller vs Korchnoi 1960)
  1. Rapablanca


1 • Rapablanca •
  1. White to move & mate in 2
  2. Black to play and win. Last move: Kb3-b4
  3. Greco's Mate
  4. Max Lange mate
  1. Rapablanca