
Checkmate in one Move

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Puzzle 01
  2. Puzzle 02
  3. Puzzle 03
  4. Puzzle 04
  1. Prasham2409

Crushing the e4 Opening

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Petrov's Defense
  2. Spanish Opening or Ruy Lopez
  3. Italian or Giuoco Piano
  4. Sicilian Defense
  1. Prasham2409


1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Prasham2409

Explain Stalemate !!

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Puzzle 01
  2. Puzzle 02
  3. Puzzle 03
  4. Puzzle 04
  1. Prasham2409

Fork ( Double Attack ) examples

2 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Example 1 - Fork (Double Attack)
  2. Example 2 -Fork (Double Attack)
  3. Example 3 -Fork (Double Attack)
  4. Chapter 1
  1. Prasham2409

Fried Liver Attack

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Prasham2409

Ladder Checkmate - Radhya

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Prasham2409

Opposition & Distant Opposition

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Prasham2409

Prasham2409's Study

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Prasham2409

Smothered Mate

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Smothered Mate Game
  1. Prasham2409

X-Ray Attack

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. X-Ray Attack 01
  2. X-Ray Attack 02
  3. X-Ray Attack 03
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Prasham2409

types of mates

1 • Prasham2409 •
  1. Dovetail Mate 01
  2. Dovetail Mate 02
  3. Dovetail Mate 03
  4. Mayet's Mate 01
  1. Prasham2409