
Back to 1.e4

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Play what fits you the most
  2. Black
  3. Vs. e4 - Petrov's Defence
  4. The refutation to the Cochrane gambit
  1. Nisko1234

The Accelerated Panov Variation against the Caro Kann Defense

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. A queen-trick in the Acc. Panov
  4. Chapter 4
  1. Nisko1234

Game study

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Nisko1234 (1981) - kannuduggu (1937)
  2. Conclusion: I play too risky.
  1. Nisko1234

Game study - Cheap Trick: Grob

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. jupava (1942) - Nisko1234 (1981)
  2. Let us see the computer's line against it
  1. Nisko1234

Game study

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Nisko1234 (1987) - Romanoso (1974) - Closed Ruy
  2. Summation so far
  3. Continue
  4. Nisko1234 - Romanoso
  1. Nisko1234

Nisko1234's Study

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Stockfish 15 - Chessmaster 10th edition
  1. Nisko1234

Games study

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. IvkoL - Nisko1234 : London-System conclusions.
  1. Nisko1234

Easy Memory Repertoire II

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. White: 1.g3
  2. Black - same stuff
  3. So - Nakamura: King's Indian Defense
  1. Nisko1234

Easy Memory Repertoire

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. White: Nf3 and K.I.D. ("KIA")
  2. Black vs. e4 - Pirc
  3. Black vs. d4+c4 or vs. London System - K.I.D.
  4. The positive sides of the K.I.D setup
  1. Nisko1234

King's Indian Defense vs. Samisch

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. This is a battle between two ideas
  2. Black plays 6...e5 and White closes
  3. Black plays 6...e5 and White keeps the tension
  4. Black plays 6...c5
  1. Nisko1234

Exploring Nf3

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Exploring Nf3
  2. Nf3 in modern top GM games
  3. 1...d5
  4. The Mecking of a new opening
  1. Nisko1234

I ignored who I am

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. My main mistake in building a repertoire
  2. A space grabber
  3. A queen's-bishop fianchetto lover
  4. I think these things contradict on another
  1. Nisko1234

Back to d4

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Intro
  2. Adding only practical (popular) defenses
  3. vs. e4 - e5
  4. vs. d4 itself
  1. Nisko1234

The Yosef Cohen Method

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. The Yosef Cohen Method
  2. Fighting a black dragon
  3. Sicilian Dragon vs. Yugoslav Attack
  4. KID vs. Samisch
  1. Nisko1234

A summarized version of the repertoire

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. White: To play e4
  2. Vs. 1...e5 - 2.Nf3
  3. Vs. Sicilian - Kopec System / Delayed Alapin
  4. Vs. French Winawer
  1. Nisko1234

Food Repertoire

1 • Nisko1234 •
  1. Create a repertoire just like a meal
  2. The good - d4
  3. The good - d4 part 2
  4. Conclusion: c4
  1. Nisko1234